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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 2281

"Is this guy crazy? Did he really say, 'Feel free to come again'?" Monica rubbed her own goosebumps, while Penny smiled faintly.

Penny somewhat understood Lucas' perspective. Perhaps when he said those words, it was all for Melody's sake. After all, Monica was good friends with Melody, and he likely wanted to maintain a cordial relationship with her.

As they watched Monica and Penny flee, Melody smiled. When she locked eyes with Lucas, she could not resist blurting, "I have something to tell you…"

Lucas stood there for a moment. They both knew what Melody wanted to say. Eventually, he walked over to her in silence.

"I…want to go back to filming after I've recovered," Melody said.

She thought it would be challenging to bring the matter up to him, knowing that every incident not only affected her but also Lucas, Beatrice, Cedric, and others who cared about her.

Melody did not want to keep causing them to worry. However, she could not suppress her genuine desire to act.

Melody tightened her grip on the blanket. She spoke earnestly to Lucas about her deep passion for acting, "I... I know saying this now might be inconsiderate of me, but acting is something I truly love to do. I hope you can understand."

Before getting into acting, she never imagined finding something she could love so passionately. The thought of their film being showcased on the big screen, seen by so many audiences, made her heart race.

"I... I only feel like myself when I'm acting. I can even dedicate my soul to it. I know you might think I'm crazy, but Lucas, I really love it. I love acting so much, and I..." Melody began, pouring her heart out.

"Then go ahead." Lucas lifted his head to look at Melody, whose eyes were already moist. How could he bear to refuse her when she looked like that? She should pursue acting if it was something she loved. He would always be there to protect her.

"What?" Melody was a bit stunned. She had not expected Lucas to agree so easily.


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