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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 2302

"But Grandma Beatrice, I have no idea what you're talking about! I didn't return to the country just to spend more time with Lucas. I'm doing it for my future too. I've been abroad for many years now, and I know that Molomia isn't home for me.

"Here is where I feel a sense of belonging. Are you going to deny me this too?" Thalia spoke with tears streaming down her face. She portrayed a pitiable image, but Beatrice frowned when Thalia hinted at having no family.

"The Riveras are grateful to your sister for what happened in the past, but my stance has been clear from the beginning. You can repay our family in any way you want, but you can't do so by marrying Lucas.

"You agreed to that, so I'm wondering why you'd have a change of heart now. Lucas flew to Molomia every year, and I turned a blind eye to avoid making too big of a fuss over things. Your sister may be his benefactor, but you're not. Don't exploit her kindness. I don't appreciate it, and neither would Lucas."

Thalia's expression faded. She did not expect Beatrice to construe her actions as an attempt to repay a favor.

"What kind of person do you think I am, Grandma Beatrice? Lucas isn't a kid. He knows what kind of person I am! The way I see it, if Lucas didn't have feelings for me, he wouldn't have willingly flown to see me. Besides, I met Lucas first. We've had a connection for many years. We just didn't have the time to sit down and talk about it."


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