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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 2326

Shaun was worried that some of the cast might find it difficult to get back into character after returning to their own home. However, Melody was different from others. Even if she stayed elsewhere for ten days or half a month, there was no worry about her not being able to get back into character.

Melody's outstanding performance on her first acting gig was truly remarkable. Thus, even though many investors advised him to replace Melody with another actress, Shaun was unwilling to do so.

Monica was a bit puzzled. Melody was living comfortably in her own mansion, so why was she asking about these small two-bedroom apartments?

[Of course there are! Mister Shaun reserved several units when he made the initial arrangements. What's the matter? Do you want to stay there? But I don't think Mister Lucas would ever agree to that.]

There was a hint of sarcasm on Melody's face.

[What does it matter whether he agrees or not? Anyway, can you help me tell Mister Shaun that I'll move in tomorrow? I'll move out after the filming ends.]

Even if Monica was usually oblivious, she could sense that something was off between Lucas and Melody. However, as soon as she heard that Melody wanted to move into the dormitory, she felt relieved to have a friend she could talk to.

[Sure, sure. I'll talk to Mister Shaun about it as soon as I get to the set tomorrow. Having you here will make our evening rehearsals more convenient too.]

Finally, there was a hint of smile on her lips as she replied, [Thanks! I appreciate it!]

After putting down her phone, she did not think about anything else and went straight to sleep.

It was not until the next morning that she noticed traces of someone having slept on the pillow next to her. She did not know when Lucas had returned, but it did not matter. She was moving to the dormitory anyway. Being away from Lucas and Thalia would help keep her mind clear.

Melody carefully got out of bed, not bothering to put on slippers yet, when she saw Lucas push open the door and walk in. He exuded a cold aura, indicating he had just returned from outside.

"Good morning. I'll carry you down for breakfast," said Lucas.


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