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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 2388

"Lucas, don't forget who you're married to. Have you ever considered Melody's feelings when you cared so much about another woman? Don't say I didn't warn you. You won't be able to win her back if this continues."

"Grandma, let's not discuss this over the phone. I've thought about what you're saying." Lucas' tone sounded somewhat irritated.

He had decided to arrange for Thalia to stay in another place since both Cedric and Beatrice did not want her staying in the mansion. Considering how Thalia's family fell apart after Claudia saved him, he could not just leave her alone.

"Do you think you can hide things from me just because you're all grown up? Have your grandpa and I spoiled you for nothing? Fine, just bring Melody home tomorrow, and we'll talk everything out face to face."

Lucas nodded. "After I settle things here with Thalia tomorrow morning, I'll bring Melody back home."

Even if Lucas did not believe Melody was responsible for pushing Thalia, there was no way she was not involved in one way or another.

Lucas sighed as he looked at Thalia lying pitifully on the hospital bed. "I hope everything goes well from now on."

In the dead of night, Melody was jolted awake by a nightmare. Lucas' cold gaze, indifferent and piercing, struck her once again, pulling her out of her sleep.


Melody sat up, drenched in sweat, her chest heaving. In the nightmare, Lucas continued to speak to her in that icy tone, "I knew you didn't like Thalia, but I never thought you could be so cruel. I misjudged you."

Whenever Melody tried to defend herself, her mouth was sealed shut, and she could only watch as Lucas repeated those words to her over and over again while she struggled helplessly.


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