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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 2553

The sudden turn of events caught Lucas off guard. He swiftly mobilized several employees from his company to assist in the investigation. Edmund, with a tablet, gestured at the screen and explained what he had discovered of Melody's movements.

A pang of heartache pierced Lucas as he watched Melody's figure on the screen—she was completely oblivious to the fate that would befall her.

"She couldn't have just vanished into thin air. Zoom in to the first and last two minutes of the video. I want to see how she was taken," Lucas demanded.

The surveillance footage revealed no trace of Melody beyond a certain point, indicating she had not left of her own accord.

"Stop—zoom in here," Lucas commanded. Edmund complied, and the screen displayed a scene with a nurse pushing a hospital bed with what was presumably a recently discharged patient.

"Didn't you notice that this was suspicious?" Lucas questioned sharply. Before long, the notion that he had brushed shoulders with that nurse struck him like lightning.

"It's her!"

The patient that was being pushed out on the bed was covered from head to toe. Lucas finally came to realize why he found that nurse a little peculiar. A nurse would never usher out a bed with a deceased patient so blatantly in the public hallways, and no patient would necessitate being covered so tightly from head to toe.

There could be only one explanation—Melody was the person on the bed. That meant he had walked past Melody! He regretted that he had not paid just two extra seconds of attention, for that brief moment could have been the key for him to realize that something was amiss.


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