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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 2615

Lucas was about to leave when Claudia grabbed his wrist. "Our phones were confiscated. How am I supposed to know how long two minutes is? We don't need to rest. I'm not that tired. Let's keep going. My dad… He's already chosen to distract the kidnappers. We can't let his sacrifice go to waste."

Claudia spoke through tears, which quickly mingled with the soil, disappearing.

"Okay," Lucas said, pulling Claudia up.

Claudia felt like her legs were filled with lead; it was incredibly hard for her to take each step. Her chest felt like it had a bellows in it, making it painful for her to breathe.

"You need to adjust your breathing. Don't keep your mouth open. The wind will only make it more painful," Lucas advised.

Claudia gradually felt a bit better as she followed the rhythm of Lucas' breathing while he kept listening carefully for any sounds behind them. It could mean trouble for Henry if there was a car honking. At that moment, all Lucas could do was pray.

Finally, the police found where Stan and the others were hiding.

Almost at the moment they pinpointed the location, the entire police force poured out of the station. Cedric and Beatrice also volunteered to go to the front lines. Initially, Jimmy wanted to refuse, but seeing the worried expressions on their faces, he finally nodded.

Thalia tried to stop them but was also determined to go. She was stopped by Claudia's teacher who said, "Silly child, the adults will rescue your sister and father. What do you want to go there for?"

Thalia broke free from her grasp, saying, "I want to go. I don't want to wait here in fear. I want to know how they are doing right now. Please, officer, take me with you. I promise to stay quietly in the car."

Chapter 2615 1

Chapter 2615 2


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