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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 2618

Lucas slowly lowered his hand from Claudia's mouth, though he still kept a tight grip over her wrist.

"You two sure can run. Let's go. You're coming back with me," Manny said, brandishing a knife. He did not consider these two brats much of a threat; he was confident he could take them back.

Lucas squeezed Claudia's wrist repeatedly to signal her.

"What's the matter? Are you too scared stiff to move? Hehe, next time I'll make some noise first so you won't get startled, okay? Now be good and come with me," said Manny.

"Three, two, one!"

This was the rhythm Lucas squeezed on Claudia's wrist, and when he repeated it, he shouted, "Run!"

They bolted in the opposite direction of Manny.

"Tsk! Looks like I need to teach you a lesson for not listening to me. You should always listen to the grown-ups!"

They had been running for so long that they were both exhausted. Even Lucas was running out of steam. However, Manny was fast, and Claudia could feel the rush of wind he stirred up as he closed in behind her. She resisted the urge to look back, focusing instead on running as fast as she could.

'Why hasn't anyone come to rescue us yet?' thought Claudia. Oh, how she hoped that they would appear before them in the next moment!

"Hey kids, I might go easy on you if you stop now and surrender quietly! Otherwise, once I catch you two, it won't be so pleasant." Manny's voice echoed like a ghost around them.

Even as their speed slowed, they dared not stop. They knew that if they stopped, they would never escape. They were getting closer to the main road, the glimmer of hope just ahead.

Chapter 2618 1

Chapter 2618 2


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