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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28

When Corinne looked up in the direction that Annie was pointing, she spotted Jeremy’s slender, stern figure passing through a glass corridor on the second floor. Beside him was a tall, beautiful, curly-haired woman with a slender waist and long legs.

Corinne retracted her gaze. Her expression was calm, and so was her tone as she said, “Ignore him.”

Annie was puzzled. “You’re going to ignore that your husband is meeting another woman in private?”

Corinne sipped the juice through her straw and indifferently replied, “Yep.”

Annie had just experienced the scumbag treatment firsthand less than a day ago, and with the alcohol going into her, she could not bear to see something like that happen again!

“No! If you’re afraid of being controlling, I’ll catch him cheating for you! Hmph! I’m so disappointed in him! He’s already married, but he’s still out there seeing other women!” Annie raised her fist angrily and wentupstairs in a rage.

Corinne failed to stop her and could only facepalm. Since Jeremy was probably not going to do anything to his niece, Corinne decided to let the drunk Annie do whatever she wanted.

Far be it for Corinne to meddle in Jeremy’s private life. The two of them were married for show only, and it was normal for him to have a relationship with another woman.

Corinne leaned lazily against the seat in the bar booth and got sleepy as she observed the bar patrons” interactions. Had it not been for Annie’s call, she would already be midway through a nap after filling her stomach with lunch earlier.

All of a sudden, Aaron hurried over with a few followers. “Why didn’t you give me a heads up. wouldn’t’ve known that you were here if the manager didn’t spot you and informed me!”

The bar was an entertainment business under Newmoon Group with Aaron as its owner.

boss? I

Corinne raised her eyes and glanced at Aaron. “I’m just here to pick someone up. I don’t plan to stay long.”

Aaron sat beside her and asked curiously, “Who are you picking up?”

“A niece.”

“A what? When did you have a niece? Why do I not know this?”

Corinne could not be bothered to answer such an unimportant question and asked him instead, “Isn’t it still working hours? Why are you enjoying yourself instead of being at the company?”

Aaron kindly uncapped a bottle of mineral water and handed it to her. “Socializing with part of the job, too! Besides, everything will be fine. The company is in capable hands!”


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