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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Corinne stepped over the broken glass shards on the ground and walked up to Marvin. “What’s wrong, Dad? Why are you so angry?”

Sherlyn folded her arms as she stood at one side and viciously added fuel to fire. “You have the nerve to ask that? You should be well aware of what you’ve done.”

Corinne glanced insipidly at Sherlyn. “I’ve done a lot of good deeds. Which one are you referring to?”

Marvin had a sour expression as he asked angrily, “You said you moved out because you got a job. What kind of job are you doing?”

Corinne was at a loss for words because she did not know what was the best way to describe the work she was doing. She wondered what would be the best occupation to describe ‘pretending to be the wife of a domineering man to help him appease his elders’, and whether ‘actress’ or ‘temporary wife’ would be a better job description.

When Marvin saw that Corinne was having difficulty answering him, he became even angrier and said, “Are you going to continue hiding it from me? How can you, a student from a famous university, decide to work as a bar hostess? Where’s your shame, Corinne? Are you trying to embarrass me just because you want to anger me?”

‘Hostess?’ Corinne raised her eyebrows.

Marvin placed a photo on the table that depicted her and Annie walking side by side when they were coming out of the Snow Room the previous day. Annie dyed her hair pink out of despair after getting her heart broken, and she dressed in a very revealing manner. The tremendous amount of alcohol that she drank led her to walk a little shakily, and anyone who saw her would easily mistake her for being a bar hostess, hence the reason those three men yesterday teased her publicly. It was also inevitable that those who saw them walking side-by-side would feel that they were birds of the same


Corinne looked at the photo, glanced at Sherlyn, and said, “Sherlyn showed you this photo, didn’t she?”


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