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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The Day I Kissed An Older Man

Sherlyn was even more dumbfounded after hearing what her mother said.

“Ring? When did I receive a ring—

“Wait. I remember now, Mom. An anonymous fan sent me a diamond ring by mail yesterday! I was worried the media might cook up some nonsense news article if they saw it, so I just put it away instead of wearing it.”

Lilliana was overjoyed to hear that. “That’s it! Mister Jeremy must’ve had a crush on you for a long time, and he’s trying to win your heart by posing as an anonymous fan! I got someone to investigate the people who came yesterday, and as it turns out, their leader was none other than Mister Jeremy’s personal assistant!

“Sherlyn, the Holdens are a first-tier family, and Jeremy has shown his utmost sincerity toward you! He’s really in love with you, and nothing will go wrong if you marry him!”

Jeremy Holden…

Sherlyn could not control her reddening cheeks and quickening heartbeat. She heard of his name before despite never meeting him in person, and she knew him as the treasured son of Holdens—a first-tier family. He was the equivalent of a god in the business world! It came as a surprise to her that even Jeremy was one of her fans, and he turned out to be so madly in love with her that he sent people to her house to deliver the betrothal gifts. If anything was to blame, it was her irresistible charm!

That afternoon, Corinne returned home with a delicate photo frame in her arms. She changed into house slippers as soon as she entered and immediately went straight upstairs.

Sherlyn happened to be heading down, and she blocked Corinne on purpose. “What’s that in your hand? Did you steal the jewelry from my betrothal gift?”

Corinne stopped and said curtly, “It’s my property.”

“I want proof. Show it to me!” Sherlyn has always disliked her younger sister, who was raised in the countryside since childhood. She felt that Corinne was a disgrace to the Carew family, and it was unsurprising that she never had any respect for her younger sister.

Sherlyn reached out and snatched the item that Corinne was protecting in his arms.

“Tch! The way you hold it makes me think that it was some sort of jewelry, but as it turns out, it’s nothing more than a picture depicting your mistress of a mother!”

‘My mother isn’t a mistress!’

Corinne reached out to grab the photo frame, but Sherlyn deliberately dropped the photo frame on the ground. “Oops! It slipped off! My bad!”

Corinne’s eyes reddened as she looked at Sherlyn stepping on the photo frame that was dropped onto the ground.

It was an old photo of her mother that she managed to find in one of the Carews’ old photo albums. Earlier in the day, she brought it to the store to have it restored, enlarged, and framed, as she planned to put it in her room as a table setting.

In Corinne’s anger, she grabbed Sherlyn’s clothes and hissed, “Pick. It. Up. Now.”

Sherlyn had nothing to fear. “How dare you touch me! I’ll have you know that I’ll soon become the Holdens’ daughter-in-law. If you so much as piss me off, the Holdens are going to make life difficult for you!”

Corinne was stunned. ‘The Holdens?’ Her scalp tingled when she heard that name, since the man who forcibly dragged her to get engaged the day before also shared the same surname.

“Are you referring to that first-tier family?”

Sherlyn had a smug look on her face. “Duh! What’s wrong? Are you scared? Well, you should be! Jeremy is my loyal fan and suitor. He wants nothing more than to marry me right now! All the good stuff you see over there are from the Holdens, and you’d better not touch anything sent to me last night! If you break any of them, you won’t be able to afford the compensation!”

Corinne turned to look at the betrothal gifts Sherlyn was referring to and went blank for a moment. Then, she came to a realization—Jeremy must have got absolutely nuts. To think that he sent his men to deliver the betrothal gifts to her doorstep!

Corinne’s eyes flashed brightly as she thought of something, and she turned to Sherlyn, saying, “Guess I’ll have to congratulate you, then! Though, are you sure that a high-bred family like the Holdens will accept a scandal-tainted celebrity from the entertainment industry as their future daughter-in-law?”

That remark was a touchy issue for Sherlyn. “You don’t need to worry about that. Mister Jeremy loves me very much, so it’s only normal for him to protect me!”


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