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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 41

Lilliana comforted her daughter Sherlyn. “Don’t worry, Sherlyn. I’ll find a way to clear your name! Don’t cry…”

Corinne stood relaxedly to one side with a mocking smirk, and she even chuckled a little at the sight of Lilliana and Sherlyn in shambles.

Sherlyn ceased crying the second she heard that little chuckle from Corinne. A frown appeared on her face, and she glared at Corinne while pointing resentfully at her. “It was you! You did this to me, Corinne!”

Corinne cocked an eyebrow and spread her hands innocently. “How can a small-time maid like me be capable of doing that to you? It’s expensive to pay for a headline slot in the news, and I can’t afford to do that at all.”

Indeed, money was not involved, only certain tech-savvy skills.

Sherlyn nonetheless stared unhappily at her. “Even if you didn’t pay for the news to be in the headlines, you came here to add fuel to the fire in front of Dad. He wouldn’t have known about the news if you weren’t here!”

Corinne frowned. “Weren’t you the one who asked Dad to demand that I come home?”

Sherlyn was speechless.

Corinne then added, “Well, not that it matters. He’ll eventually see the news himself even if I hadn’t come back today. Word of advice: if you don’t want anyone to find out that you’re engaging in all those shameful acts, the best thing you can do is not do them in the first place.”

Sherlyn was so angry that she was incapable of coherent speech and could only cry incessantly..

Lilliana could not bear to see her daughter cry like that and no longer maintain the kind expression. on her face. She said, “Enough with your sarcastic remarks, Corinne! Do you think you’re any better? You’re a b*stard child who only acts like a good girl in front of your Dad!”

“You don’t know anything about me, but I know exactly what kind of despicable people you and Sherlyn are!” Corinne glanced insipidly at them and smiled.


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