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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Inside the emergency room, the doctor on duty applied a bit of pressure on Corinne’s lower abdomen, asked her if she felt anything locally, and told the nurse to fetch another doctor to feel her pulse.

The elderly doctor frowned after being called over to check on Corinne. He turned to Jeremy, who was standing at one side, and asked, “Has she been taking a lot of supplements recently?”

The hours Jeremy spent at home could be counted on one hand, so he did not know much about Corinne’s diet. Tommy stepped forward and said, “Sir, I was told by the housekeeper that the old lady has recently been cooking all sorts of soup for Miss Corinne, and she’s been eating that for all her meals too. Miss Corinne was even given some of the special millennia-old herbs that the old lady collected. Might this be the cause, perhaps?”

The old doctor shook his head as soon as he heard that. “You’re young and healthy. Why are you taking all these supplements? You’ll get heaty if you eat too much of them, and it’ll only lead to endocrine disorders and early periods. Her nosebleeds and period pains are a sign that her body has been overloaded with the supplements!”

Jeremy’s expression turned sullen. “And how shall we treat her condition?”

The old doctor lowered his head and wrote down a prescription. “Easy! Just stop taking the supplements, and eat some of the painkillers I’ve just prescribed. Remember to drink plenty of water when you get home, and eat as you normally would.”

Tommy took the prescription and went to the dispensary to get the medicine.

Corinne sat up from the hospital bed, stretched her feet, and reached out weakly for her shoes on the ground. When she finally slipped her feet in them, she bent down and stretched out her hands to put them on. Unfortunately, however, she was still unable to complete that action successfully even after trying a few times.

Jeremy narrowed his eyes at her condescendingly and asked with a half-smile, “Do you need my help, buddy?”

Corinne did not raise her head. “No need. I can do it myself…”

Despite her stubbornness, her hands were unable to execute even the slightest movement, and it was as if both hands had gone limp.

Amid her struggle, a muscular yet slender hand stretched out, swatted her clumsy little hand away in disgust, then supported her foot and adjusted the shoe opening slightly before gently lifting the shoe heel so her foot could slip in fully. Then, he picked up another shoe and put it on for her.


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