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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69

“He’s not just handsome. He has this super intimidating aura too. I bet he’s the mysterious guest invited by the school.”

Just as Corinne was going into the concluding remarks, she felt that something was not right with how everyone responded. It was almost as if they were all staring behind her.

She turned around to find out what was happening and was taken completely by surprise! ‘Why is he here?!’

Jeremy’s thoughtful gaze glanced swiftly across her as he walked forward. His tall body stood beside her, and he reached out to raise the microphone to mouth level. His low and magnetic voice resonated throughout the auditorium as he said, “Hello everyone, I’m here as Corinne’s family, and I’d like to thank the University of New Capital City for all the care that has been given to Corinne. I don’t have much time right now, so I’ll keep things short. I’m donating a laboratory building to the university in Corinne’s name as a token of appreciation for all that the university has done for Corinne.”

Corinne was speechless. ‘Is he okay or something?

The audience was in an uproar, and the university’s top management was all shocked. Everyone was stunned to hear that a building had been gifted out of nowhere!

“Whoa! Guess you don’t need to talk much if you’re handsome. You can just donate a building!”,

“He’s the most dashing man I’ve ever seen, and he doesn’t even bat an eye when he donates that building! Does anyone know who he is to Corinne?”

“He says he’s family, so I’m guessing he’s her brother? But they don’t look alike at all!”

“He’s young, so he can’t be her father, right?”

The University of New Capital City’s dean took the stage excitedly and said, “Fellow students, let us thank Corinne and her family for their generous donation. How about we give them a round of applause!”

A thunderous applause then ensued.

Ivanka’s face turned ugly, and she felt her pride being trampled on the ground. Corinne had stolen her spotlight again! By contrast, the three pianos that her father said he would donate earlier seemed to pale in comparison!


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