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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76

With the call on speaker mode, the same police officer spoke through the phone, “Corinne Carew, someone had taken your wallet and phone. They’ve even used your name to book a room in a

hotel. Please come to the station now to clarify if the wallet and phone belong to you and check if there are any losses.”

Corinne replied politely, “Alright. I understand. Thank you very much, officer.”

“You’re welcome,” the officer replied.

Corinne looked at Francine pointedly after she hung up the phone. “Is that it? When is losing something a scandal? Francine, please enlighten me by telling me why you think the police are looking for me?”

Francine was stunned. For a minute there, her brain stopped working. ‘Why have things turned out differently from what’s planned? The police were looking for Corinne because she lost something?

she thought.

“Oh, Corinne. I’m so happy that you’re fine! I’m really glad that you’re fine! What a scare. I was nearly scared to death.” Pamela patted her chest to relieve herself from the stress.

Right after that, she turned to look at her troublemaking granddaughter and reprimanded her,” Francine, what’s wrong with you lately? Why do you keep making trouble? Don’t ever talk about these unvalidated things anymore in the future!”

The unsatisfied Francine raised a finger and pointed at Corinne. “Grandma, I didn’t make it up! Even Tommy found out about the hotel Corinne checked in today! The woman in the news was her! Otherwise, how do you explain why she’s wearing the same clothes as that escort?”

Indeed, Corinne was wearing the same clothes as the escort. However, she was calm and did not panic. “My clothes aren’t limited edition. It’s normal for someone else to be wearing the same thing. Though, why did you insist that I’m the escort?”

Francine snorted disdainfully. “Am I the one insisting on it, or are you really the escort? The hotel had a record of your stay, and you’re wearing the exact same clothes as that escort. How can there be so many coincidences in this world? Try to explain that!”

Corinne put her hands out innocently. “The officer explained it on the phone. Someone used my identity to open a room in the hotel. I lost my wallet and my phone after I went shopping with you. I can’t find you and I can’t contact you, so I came back by myself.”

Francine smiled sarcastically. “Corinne Carew, you’re just lying to my face!”


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