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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Francine turned around to point her finger at Corinne. “It’s you! It’s one of your tricks again! You must’ve found this woman to take the blame!”

Corinne spread her arms innocently. “Francine, are you only going to be satisfied when I’m the escort as you’d hope?”

Francine replied unhappily, “What do you mean, as I’d hope? You are the escort!”

All of a sudden, a swift smack landed on Francine’s cheek, and it made a crisp sound.

Pamela panted, having slapped her granddaughter in rage.

“Are you not finished, Francine !? After the scene you caused at home, here you are in the police station, causing another scene! Corinne is your sister-in-law! Why do you keep on humiliating her like this?!”

“Grandma, did you just slap me?” The flabbergasted Francine raised a hand to lightly cover her burning cheek. She whimpered, “You never hit me since I was a child, yet you slapped me because of Corinne?”

Pamela’s heart went soft when she saw tears dropping from her granddaughter’s eyes.

Nevertheless, Francine had crossed the line. Through gritted teeth, she reprimanded strictly, ” should’ve slapped you earlier! You wouldn’t have behaved like a spoiled girl if I had taught you well. Apologize to Corinne now and seek her forgiveness!”

“Grandma, I’m not wrong! Why should I apologize?!” Francine had a meltdown and shouted like a crazy woman. “She’s the escort! I’m telling the truth! It’s her! Corinne Carew sold sex services at the hotel!”

Amid her rantings, she bolted toward Corinne, wrapped her fingers around Corinne’s neck aggressively, and shook her vehemently. “Just admit it! Admit that you were the escort at the hotel, you shameless, disgraceful woman!”

Corinne was unable to say anything when Francine kept on shaking her.

The police officers in the station quickly surrounded them. “What do you think you’re doing? This is the police station. Stop what you’re doing immediately!”

Pamela was so anxious that she nearly passed out. “Francine, stop it!”

Jeremy just finished his cigarette and entered the station, just in time to catch his grandmother from falling. With a cold glare, he ordered Francine, “Let go of her!”

Francine had always been intimidated by her brother from a young age. This time, she shrugged off the fear and blustered, “Brother, you can’t have this woman be your wife!”

Jeremy’s expression darkened. “Don’t make me repeat myself!”

Terrified by his demeanor, Francine immediately let go of Corinne.


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