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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94

“Get off the stage if you can’t play, Corinne. Let Ivanka handle the performance alone!”

“Yeah, get off! Everyone’s been waiting long, so don’t waste your time anymore!”

Ivanka finally felt that she had successfully reclaimed the spotlight from Corinne and was very proud as a result. However, she made sure to show her empathetic side and sympathized with Corinne.

“Well, if that’s the case, then I won’t pressure you anymore. Why don’t you go down for now? I’|| handle the performance myself.”

“Sure.” Corinne nodded and agreed readily. She could not be bothered to play for Ivanka anyway. As soon as she put down the ukulele and stepped off the stage, she heard Ivanka’s group making comments again from the front row.

“Tch! What’s so great about her when she can’t even play the ukulele?”

“If she’s from that good a family, I wonder if her academic performance is as stellar as the rumors say? Being rich makes it so much easier for them to hype her up as an all-round top student!”

“Her? From a good family? When one of our teachers sent me to clean the file room, I happened to come across Corinne’s student file! She’s from the countryside, and she used to be very poor before she went to university! In fact, she had to rely on scholarships just to attend school!”

“What? A poor student? Why would her family have so much money to donate a building to the school today?”

“Do you honestly think that’s her family? I’m guessing that she relied on her good looks to get herself adopted by a rich man from the city! Isn’t it normal for poor girls to lower themselves just for money?”

“Raised? Are you saying that the handsome man from earlier took Corinne in and raised her?”

“Well, duh! Did you expect someone so young to be her biological father? Pfft! He might seem to have taken her in out of the kindness of his heart, but God knows what sort of shady relationship he has with her!”

“By the way! I also heard rumors in school that Corinne was called to the dean’s office pretty often, and she tends to stay there for an hour at least! I’m starting to suspect that she might be having an affair with the dean! Why else would he treat her so nicely and even allow her to make her appearance at the graduation ceremony?”

“No way! Our dean is old enough to be her grandfather!”


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