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The defiant mate by Fennifer Francis novel Chapter 17

Nathan POV

He was disappointed to hear how Jackson had handled Jay-la, Jackson was usually very diplomatic in his business dealings. He thought sending him to deal with her was a good idea, due to the man’s feelings towards her.

Not that he had yet to say anything about having feelings for her, but Nathan was sure if he didn’t have them then, once he had done, which should have made him handle her gently, not try and get her to take some responsibility for her injuries.

He had been totally disappointed and hurt by her words about him, but at least now he understood why she ran away, she believed he hated her, how she felt about him at this current moment didn’t sit well with him. Havoc was pissed off about it, but again Nathan reassured him that when they came face to face everything would work out. It would all be okay.

Havoc muttered something about mating Kora, whether she liked it or not, until she submitted to him completely. Nathan didn’t totally approve of that, but wolves would do what they wanted.

The human counterpart couldn’t always control them, and he doubted very much Havoc would be relinquishing control the minute he spotted Kora. She was his Mate and nothing was going to stop him from mating her.

It also gained him some insight. She was still unaware that his mating bond was broken, so she was indeed in for a shock when she laid eyes upon him.

Thankfully, Stephen had been there, he had handled her very well indeed. She was very susceptible to his Gamma qualities. That was good, though he had mentioned she put up quite a good bit of resistance to it. On his first use, forcing her wolf away to try and beat him at his own game, he had relented and let go. He’d just been testing her.

But, had used all of it to stop what was going to be a full-blown wolf-on-wolf fight between her and Jackson, right in earshot of three of their enemy packs.

He had even called her His Gamma, not something he should have done without permission, but she hadn’t thought anything of it, as far as Stephen could tell. Just presumed he meant it in a round about way due to the fact that he was the Pack’s Gamma though Nathan knew that was not what Stephen meant, he literally was, her Gamma and he obviously wanted her to hear it, know it maybe even sense it.

Those enemy pack members would have heard the heated discussion between the 3 of them and now they all understand she does not want to have anything to do with their pack. He had no idea of what they made of Stephen’s little fopar, he could only hope they took it the same way Jay-la did.

Hearing the oscillation from her office with he own pack Beta, they will be likely to make better offers to entice her. It was clear his most hated rival packs were the first to come out of the woods to try and win her. They were indeed trying to get to him via his children.

He could only hope they never found out she was his Mate. That Stephen hadn’t let it out of the bag and endangered her.

Stephen had advised that they leave after the meeting, so Jay-la didn’t get into it again with Jackson when coming out of her office.

They had stayed close by though, with enemy pack members right there, they would not leave her alone, and he had ordered tighter security on the triplets and her apartment building.

They had been a little on the reserved side during the video call and he knew something else had happened but they were holding it back. He knew it, asked them what it was.

lackson had literally looked guilty and not been abłe to make eye contact with him, dread had filled him almost instantly. Had he actually hurt her he’d wondered.

Stephen had sighed and muttered” I’ll tell him then, shall l”. And proceeded to inform him of Jay-la’s flirting with Jackson and his wolf, Apollo and Apollo’s reaction to her. Havoc had not liked it at all, but Nathan had burst out laughing.

He had not expected her to play that tactic, but when he thought about it, why wouldn’t she try to throw them off guard.

If she had any idea that Jackson had any kind of feelings for her, of course she would. She was a she-wolf and a very beautiful one, with mischief built into her genes. She’d always played games with them.

Hell, when he and she had been in their casual relationship she would run and hide behind Jackson to get away from him when he was stalking her playfully, looking to bed her, sometimes climbing on his back and begging him to save her from the big bad Alpha who wás trying to ra**pe her and steal her virtue, lol that had been lost long before.

Cheeky minx. Jackson had played along sometimes and ran off with her on his back. Leaving Nathan to chase after the 2 of them, very playful banter, he’d always catch them, toss her over his shoulder and run off with her towards his room, growling out in playful tones ‘your mine now little she-wolf’.

His laughter had surprised both of them. He simply explained that it was no different to her behaviour when they had been going out, running to Jackson to have him save her. She was trying to appeal to his nature to help her out.

He was not concerned at all. He actually wasn’t. He didn’t think Jackson would do anything to hurt him or enrage his beast. Let alone something that would get him kicked out of the pack or killed.

His friend might like the future Luna, but Nathan was certain the man would not act on it.
She was Hot hís destined Mate. If she was he would have claimed her long ago, hell before she had seduced her Alpha with those jewel green eyes of hers, that night when she’d been 19.

It had crossed his mind as to whether Jackson had been hoping she was his fated Mate at one point. She was one of their closest friends and it had surprised all of them that none of them had wound up Mated to her.

The day she had been presented on her 18th birthday he could recall her beauty. None of them had seen her dressed like that make-up on either. Most of the time they saw her in jeans and tee-shirts or training clothes, covered in mud, they’d all seen her na**ked.

Nothing unusual about that. She was a fierce fighting machine, as were they, and so when there had been rogue attacks, she had joined in on the fighting against them. And so they had all seen her shift and be na**ked.

Jackson had actually been wearing nice clothing. On the day of her 18th birthday, he recalled dark blue slacks and a pale blue short-sleeved dress shirt, though he had still been leaned back casually against the wall next to his parents-table, looking bored as usual, playing it cool, Nathan had wondered then if it was due to wanting to be her Mate. she had looked very uncomfortable that day, being presented as all pack members were at 18 to see if their fated Mate was within the pack.

Actually, she hadn’t looked around at all simply stood next to Alpha Blaine and stared directly ahead into the forest, not searching the crowd as many id looking for the one they were hoping to be their Mate, praying to the goddess that they too would be looking at them.

Nope not his Jay-la, stubborn always. Defiant even to the Goddess, it seemed. Well, she had a fated Mate now, she just didn’t know it yet. But would soon enough. He had to find a way to get her to willingly come home to the Pack.


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