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The defiant mate by Fennifer Francis novel Chapter 31

Nathan POV

Nathan sat in his mother’s private plane staring at nothing in particular. He was calm, Havoc was calm, just speaking with his children cheered them up completely, and knowing that Jay-la, although distressed and in need of her Mate’s comfort, had not bolted from the pack with her children the minute she had woken up also kept them calm.

They were just a few hours away now, they would not be waiting til morning to meet her, they would be headed to wherever Jackson reported she was, they would not wait another minute for her to know what they were to her.

He would wake her from sleep, he honestly didn’t care if she would be grumpy with him, he was going to stand and watch her, watch as even in her sleep some part of her would register his scent and Kora would likely wake her itching for her Mate, the minute she scented him out.

He had no idea how it was actually going to go. They certainly had issues to work through, but she had known him for 20 years that would surely come into play. Surely, somewhere inside her fear-riddled body, there would be a part of her that would be happy it was him. Trying to convince Havoc not to launch himself at her might be a bigger issue. He heard Havoc chortle at him. He was also happy, inside Nathan’s mind, knowing he would be with his Mate had put him in a good mood. Not often that happened.

Nathan stared down at the text message he’d just gotten from his Beta, Jackson, a deep frown marring his handsome face “Jay-la is locked in the Luna Suite. Sorry boss had too.’ and his calm and happiness, gone just like that, replaced by exasperation and worry for his Mate.

The last call he had received from his Beta, everything had been fine. Jay-la was having a late dinner with her father and the triplets.

Everything seemed okay. She had not tried to take them and run off, even though she knew he would be back at some point. Jay-la had even asked when he was going to be back. Jackson had bluffed her off with an unknown eta, although he knew that Nathan was on his way and only a few hours out, and she had not questioned it. Just seemed a bit relieved by the answer.

He hit the call button only to have it rejected, which was something you just don’t do. No one dismissed an alpha’s phone cal.

Well, with the exception of Jay-la, he thought, she definitely would, but she had other reasons, fear-filled reasons which he had to talk to her about, make sure she knew that there was nothing to fear, that he meant her no harm, but he knew he could not address her fears until he came face to face with her.

A text came through in short order “sorry boss, don’t need her knowing how close you are. Already angry and losing it.”

For the love of the goddess, he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. What the hell had happened in the last hour or so? He was still in the air a couple of hours away “what happened?” he texted back.

How much can possibly happen in an hour and this late at night, with snow falling on the pack, most of the pack members would be in their homes by now. Staying out of the cold.

“Kora let loose on Abbey. And Kora..well, boss a lot bigger than she used to be. Almost as large as Apollo is.”

Kora was larger, and almost as big as Apollo. That was an utter shock, she had been such a cute tiny wolf, barely reached Havocs chest when they had stood side by side. She almost always looked like a pup of a wolf, it was so cute, it had always amused him to no end, something they had all teased her about, how such a tiny wolf could have such a fierce human counterpart. Now it appeared Kora was not only just as feirce, but also had the build to go with it.

He could feel HavOC wagging his tail in his mind. He was happy with the news.

‘Mate strong.’

Nathan already knew that, perhaps it was why his mother and father hadn’t wanted a fight between them. Perhaps his father was right in the thought that even Storm didn’t want to fight her, she was different than before.

“Why at Abbey?” he asked, though his gut was telling him he already knew the answer to it.

“Smelled Abbey on Vera’s wounds, I believe.”

“Abbey still alive? Her pup?”

“Injured, as is Johnny, both in the pack hospital, Ethan is with them.”

He sighed, I guess Jay-la taught Abbey a lesson, one she really did need to learn, he supposed. He hoped that her unborn pup was alright. But his power-crazed sister had better have realised that she can’t just go around unchecked and do as she pleased. Better have learned her lesson, she had put her unborn pup at risk and hadn’t even known it at the time. Perhaps this would make her learn a desperately needed lesson.

“Will the pup survive?”

“Should do, she screamed she was pregnant, that’s what made Kora stop, mostly took hits to her arms and chest area, so it should be fine”

“So Jay-la is locked in the Luna Suite because?”

“Anger rolling off of her, might rival Havoc’s boss, in that department. It took Stephen to bring her down and fully submit using all his Gamma Charm ability, then Ethan and I, to get her up here, but the minute he stopped using it, angry again.”

Goddess help us both, he thought absently, if the two of them went toe to toe when they meet up.

‘Never’ Havoc huffed at him I’m telling you Kora will want me.

‘So much faith you have Havoc’


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