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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28: 

Stolen Kiss “Another gift? i thought the dance was a gift,” Kate uttered while Oliver hand Carlos a palm Size velvet box

Holding the box, Carlos studied Kate’s delicate face He asked, “Ready?”

After seeing Kate nod, he said, “During your cighteenth birthday. you wanted uncle Ethan to get you a special gift. It was either the Circle of Heaven or Princess’ Xu’s Prosperity ring, but your father did not give you either.”

kate’s eyes widened. She sought, “No Don’t tell me.”

Carlos just smiled, his grey eyes sparkling in annusement at her reaction. He opened the box and revealed his gift. A small gift card on the upper part of the box read: (To My Kate From Misterlude)

Inside the jewelry box was the ‘Circle of Heaven’ jadeite bangle, one of Chinese history’s most precious jade collections. It was a piece that Kate had wanted to buy since she was young When kate turned eighteen, Ethan thought it was too much for a piece ol jewelry at her age, considering how it cost ten million dollars back then

Wien Kate could finally manage her own finances, plus after getting her company shares, she tried to scarch for the same pieces. It was unfortunate that Kate could not trace both the bangle and the ring, but here it was, right in front of her. Carlos was offering her the Circle of Heaven

“You you are – It was you? You are Mister Jade?” Kate asked, raising her voice Her lace rumned bright red. She was uncertain whether to be happy or to be upset. “You could have told

“I wasn’t ready yet. I wanted to achieve more, so I could be more deserving of having you, ** Carlos sald, and while Kate thought it was majorly because of the police operation, he added.” Plus, I wasn’t sure how you felt about me I was sure I had a special place in your heart, but back then, I wasn’t sure if it was anything more ilian friendship”

“But now, I am happy to put this on you, knowing that you love me back,” Carlos said while picking up the valuable Jade He took Kate’s left hand and requested, “Proudly wear it for me

iny tite”

kate nodded She had her palm against her chest, still taking it all in Recalling her last earrings, she asked, “The earrings got jade earrings a day after your birthday Was it you too? It said nothing other than being sorry sorry for what?

Carlos had put the bangle on kale’s wrist. He alinitled, “Yes, that was me, Kate” He sucked in it breath and answered, “You seemed upset about it, so I apologized for any misunderstanding.”

Kato raised her left hand and admired the Jade She claimed, “It’s so beautiful. It was exactly how imagined it would be *

She embraced Carlos, wrapping her arms around his neck, and repeatedly thanked him. It’s vo brandul, and I love how it came from you Thank you again Thank you for pampering me

Just as they hugged, another piece of music played. Kate urned around, bemused However,

Carlos explained, “I lost an entire dance event, Kate We won’t stop with just one song, are

“Oh,” She responded weakly before swaying to the music again. “I don’t mind dancing until my feet give up.” Carlos smiled. He rested his forehead on hers and suggested, “When your feet give up, I don’t mind carrying you while dancing.” Kate fell into a set of laughter. Her eyes gleamed as she suggested, “Don’t we sound cheesy?” “I wasn’t being cheesy. I meant it,” Carlos answered before slightly pushing Kate, urging her to take a turn.

From one song to another, Carlos and Kate simply gratified in each other’s company. They swayed to slow romantic music and then to upbcat ones.

They were already in their tenth song when they danced to the tune of “1 Can’t Stop The Feeling” by Justin Timberlake Kate was laughing at how Carlas moved. He was just free dancing, sometimes fooling around the same way when they were in high school. The only difference was that he had a broader body, which made it appear strange to her, yet very entertaining Dancing with him, Kate was equally living up to her high school days. She was jumping, raising her arms, and clapping her hands Oliver danced along with them, too, getting into the groove, which added to the sun. “And that concludes the last dance!” Carlos announced, taking Kate’s hand. Still laughing at Oliver’s steps, Kate said, “This was really fun. And this was significantly better than that old dance.” “Let’s take a picture, ” Kate reminded him. Oliver went to fetch the polaroid camera and offered to take pictures of the couple. He also reported, “I took a few pictures while you were dancing. The printed photos are in my bag” “Thank you, Oliver,” Carlos said. “Let’s get ready to leave?” That was Oliver’s cue to wrap things up. He sled, giving instructions to the security team, leaving the couple to discuss amongst themselves. “So, where to next, Mister Ronaldo?” Kate asked.

Carlos held Kate’s hand and replied, “We go home, have dinner, check our pictures, catch up with everybody’s life.” He leaned in, pressing his lips against her ear, and whispered, “Make out among other things.” Kate susted She felt goosebumps all over her body as she answered, “That sounds like a plan First, let’s drop by the house I need to get something.” “Okay,” Carlos Sald “Bring your dlary with you.” “Why You can’t read it,” kate objected “Please,” Carlos begged “I want to low everything. “I’ll think about II, Mister lade,” Kate responded before they finally left the school grounds

Two hours later.

The couple was inside Carlos’ room, lying on their backs while reviewing their pictures of that day. “I like the photos of us that Oliver took. They were candid, and we were just so happy.” Kate remarked


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