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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 3

“After a two-hour finale at The Australian Open, The Devil in court, Carlos Ronaldo achieved his eighteenth Grand Slam win,” reported Roman, a news anchor of BNC Media.


“Exactly, Roman,” said the other news anchor, Denis, “And we could not be more proud, knowing that Carlos was born and raised in Braeton City!”


“Yes, that’s right.” Roman acknowledged. “Carlos Ronaldo is the son of the former veteran tennis player, Manuel Ronaldo. What happened to his father was a shock to everyone. His father died in a car accident, and his family lost everything. His mother, Agnes Ronaldo, became ill, and out of depression from Manuel’s death, she also passed away.”


“Despite how tough life was for him, that did not stop Carlos Ronaldo from rising into fame, giving his father the honor he deserves, and using tennis, a sport his father loved the most!” Announced Denis. “I’m sure his father would be proud.”


“For years, Carlos fought against odds, starting at the lowest ranks playing tennis. In his first year, he played feature tournaments to challenger tournaments. In his second year of playing, Carlos finally reached ATPs, the Association of Tennis Professionals, ranking at around two hundred. And it was six years ago that he entered the most prestigious tennis events in the world, the Grand Slam tournaments. Finally, after three years of playing the Grand Slam, he won the US Open and remained undefeated on his home court to this day! Then, he became widely known as The Devil in court.”


BNC Media aired a video of Carlos’ old matches in that program. It was Roman who reported, “He is one of the most fierce. He had such powerful, fastest serves -”


“And let’s not forget about the backhand, Roman. Carlos Ronaldo’s backhand stroke earned him the title; The Devil!” Denis pointed out. He shook his head and added, “They are unrelenting.”


“You know, Denis. It’s funny how it started when his opponent called his backhand as The Devil,” the news anchor revealed. “And since then, Carlos Ronaldo had been named The Devil on the tennis court!”


“And now, at twenty-eight, Carlos Ronaldo has achieved his first-ever number one rank in the world!”


Both Dennis and Roman, the news anchors, cheered for Carlos, proud of a Braeton local.


“Although, in the world of tennis, we don’t know for certain how long this ranking will last, but we will keep applauding Carlos for his achievements! Besides, there are three more Grand Slam tournaments this year, and so far, he had had his winning streak,” Roman added. “We are proud of you, Carlos Ronaldo!”


“On another news, still about The Devil in court, our favorite tennis superstar announced his separation from William Mckenzie’s management,” reported Dennis. “This came about after his birthday party.”


Kate was at her twin brother’s penthouse, watching the news. She agreed to watch over her nephew while Kaleb attended an evening meeting.


A month ago, Kate swore not to listen to anything about Carlos. She closed that part of her life and no longer wrote in her “Carlos” journal, but it was so hard to switch off the television when the news about him was so interesting.


She may still be hurting because Carlos was in a relationship with Hailey Mckenzie, but she was still proud of his accomplishments. Hearing how he would no longer be managed by William Mckenzie, Kate’s eyes widened. She could not believe her ears. ‘Why would he want to separate from Mister Mckenzie’s management?’


“Papapapa! Papapapa!”


Kate became distracted, following her nephew’s blabbing. She turned to Liam, hushing him, “Liam, baby. Be quiet. Auntie is going to listen to something important -”


“Papapapa – Hwah! Huuwah!” With her nephew crying, Kate sighed in surrender and took the baby in her arms. She called his nanny. It was only after giving his nephew to the nanny that she searched online about Carlos’ decision to separate from William Mckenzie.


She first found the press release coming from William Mckenzie. It read:


[I am saddened by Carlos’ decision to have control of his career, but it is understandable. He is someone who can already stand on his own two feet. Everyone, at some point, wants independence. Carlos is like a son to me. My family and I will always be grateful for sharing his success with us. He does not owe us anything. He has paid me back in waves unimaginable.


I managed Carlos for nine years, even at the start of his rigorous training. We had nine years of relationship, but sadly, all good things end, and I am also getting too old to travel with Carlos in his matches. I wish Carlos all the best, and he knows he can always come to me. He has a home in my family.]


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