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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30: 

Wow Kate bit her lip while she was lying on Carlos’ bed and watching him take off his pants. She knew this was it. Was she crazy about jumping into having sex with him already? Maybe, but damn, Kate considered it her reward for finding her lost love. Besides, this wasn’t just any man. It was Carlos Ronaldo, her best friend and the love of her life

Kate realized how Carlos’ gaze returned to her, and her heart fluttered. His jeans were already down on the floor, and he was about ready to pull down his brief.

Wow,’ she gulped, observing his long and well-defined legs. Even with his brief on, she could make out the firmness of his ass. Her hands itched to grab them.

Just when Kate thought she had seen him at his best, Carlos’ manhood sprung free. She noticed how it was curved upward, stiff, and swinging back and forth. Oh, it scared her alright, but at the same time, his hardness impressed her.

He was thick, and the way it curved upward made her wonder what it would feel like inside of her. She inwardly remarked, ‘Another wow.”

She watched as Carlos caressed his length, his hand stroking it back and forth in front of her Kate let out another, ‘Wow.’

Kate had to admit; that it looked so sexy. She flushed, and for a second, she felt ashamed at gawking at his rod.

Carlos climbed up to her. He urged her to sit up. Then he carefully placed two pillows on her back. He concluded that elevating her head would easily allow him to kiss Kate when they do the deed. When he was satisfied, he said, “lie back down, my Kate… Let’s carry on.”

While following his instructions, Kate felt his lips land on the crook of her neck His warm mouth captured the peak of her breast, and he patiently licked and sucked it, the same way he did carlier Yet again, it sent chills down her spine.

His knees spread her legs apart, and his hand reached for her core, checking her wetness While Carlos lasted her breast, his fingers glided back and forth against her crack The more he touched her down there, the more Kate spread her legs wider for him, her hips raising. floundering at the sensation of his fingers. “Aaah. Carlos, “A moan left Kate’s lips when Carlos unknowingly settled on her clit. “Oh, pod, that feel’s so good.” And because of the way she reacted, Carlos kept at it, fondling at that very spot. He asked,” You like this?

while gasping for air, Kate nodded. Her brows met as she confessed, “Right there, yeah, keep your fingers there not too fast, just like that – Uminm… It feels so good.”

inafuather-light touch, Carlos’ fingers circulated around her clit, and he did so repeatedly That Kate’s moans seemned endless at that point. While Kate’s reactions Ignited Carlos’ flanes of desire, soon, however, he went down on her He kissed her stom.kh until sliding down to her entrance. He always wondered how Kate would taste So, without her knowing, he disappeared in between her thighs, granting a loud

moan from Kate, “Aaahh, Carlos God!”

Kate’s mouth was wide open, shocked at how Carlos’ tongue was licking her sex like ice cream.

“You taste so good, Kate,” Carlos declared. He did not just pleasure her, he was practically licking off her orgasm. It was exactly because of this that Kate was sent to another level of high Her body mildly convulsed, and her legs clamped together, feeling the tingles down her core

“Carlos, I feel so strangely good. Please… Please do something,” kate pleaded.

“Do you want me inside?” He asked.

Kate frantically nodded, her face still red from having climaxed. She sensed how being penetrated was the solution to her growing need.


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