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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47:

Not A Fling For Me “What about now? Are you a man already?” The question took Alexander aback. He felt slightly offended, but at the same time, he knew it was all his fault.

Alexander sucked in a breath and looked into Savannah’s hazel eyes. For a moment, he studied her features. Her red hair was tied into a messy bun. Her face had been cleared of make-up, showing off those light, sprinkling freckles on her skin. He used to think those freckles made her look naturally beautiful.

Going back to her probing, he hesitantly replied, “Yes, I am a man now, I guess.” “I met Kendra after we… we sort of had a fling, and everything changed for me. We were continents apart, both chasing our dreams, and I just assumed it would never work out. I should have told you. I should have at least called, but I did not have the courage to tell you how my feelings changed, and I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry, Savannah,” he repeated, spotting how she averted his gaze. “Hey?” He asked, recognizing her silence. Still looking away, Savannah cleared her throat and replied, “I know it was just a few months that we spent together. Plus, we were seeing each other in between tournaments.” She clenched her jaws before resuming, “But, it wasn’t just a fling for me, Alex.”

Her voice faded as she disclosed, “I – I earnestly loved you.”

There was an awkward silence that stretched between them. Alexander did not know how to answer her revelation. However, even before he could come up with a response, Savannah said, “But it’s okay. I got over it. Don’t worry.” Finally, she gazed into his green eyes and suggested, “And you are right. Getting into a relationship with another tennis player is just a problem. Imagine both of you traveling around the world every year for tournaments. Sometimes, you don’t even meet up in events.”

Perhaps it was true in the past. However, in their current tennis rankings, they were, more or less, at the same level. Thus, Alexander and Savannah would be joining the same major tournaments. Only the minor tournaments and sponsored matches would perhaps put them in a different country.

“I was just really upset about how you treated me. Even if your feelings had changed. I did nothing wrong to you. I did not deserve to be treated like nothing ever happened to us,” Savannah pointed out.

Alexander bowed his head. He ran his fingers through his curly blond hair and answered, “I’m sorry. I have no good excuse to tell you other than the fact that I could not break it to you then. I knew you were such a nice person, Savvy – I mean, Savannah.”

There was a time when he called her nickname, but obviously, he had no right to do so now. He returned his regard to her and repeated, “I did not want to have to look you in the eye or hear your sweet voice only hurt you.” “I.” He gulped and asked, “You get what I mean, right? I’m really sorry, Savannah. You don’t know how relieved I am to tell you this now.”

“I get what you mean. Although years too late, thank you for telling me,” Savannah said. “At least we got that out of the way.” “Again, I’m really sorry -”

“Anyway, I’m okay now, really. That was a long time ago,” Savannah clarified. “I don’t have those feelings for you anymore.” “I accept your apology,” Savannah suddenly said, and a faint smile formed on her face. She extended her hand to him, saying, “Friends?” Alexander smiled and took her hand, acknowledging, “Friends.” “I’m going to get some sleep, Alex. I’m so tired,” Savannah said before shutting her eyes and turning to the other side, opposite to where Alexander sat.

Watching her back, Alexander reflected on Savannah’s words. He did not know what to make out of her revelation. Alexander was relieved that she ultimately forgave him, and somehow, hearing her admit her previous feelings sent delightful tingles throughout his body. He contemplated, ‘So she loved me.’ However, that excitement quickly died, recounting how she claimed to no longer have feelings for him.

For a fleeting moment, he pondered on his previous choices. ‘What if I did not entertain my feelings for Kendra back then? What if I sought Savannah and tried to continue what we started?’


“I’m back to the hotel, my Kate,” Carlos said, lying in bed. “Are you okay? Did you get hurt? What if I come to you?” Kate asked on the other line. Carlos could barely keep his eyes open, tired from what had happened overnight. Six hours had passed since the incident at The Peninsula Hotel, and Carlos belatedly had a breather. He badly wanted to sleep, but knowing that the soldiers would report to his uncle Ethan, he knew he had to call his Kate. Otherwise, she would think of the worst-case scenario. “I’m fine but sore from the running, and I’m tired of having been awake all night. After the French police and what it seemed like, one other gang member who survived, had been arrested, we went to the hospital to get ourselves checked. Fred and Alex’s bodyguard were both injured badly, and we had to check on their operation,” Carlos narrated before a yawn escaped his lips.

“Will you be okay?” Kate asked. “I’m so worried.”

“I’ll be okay. The French police have doubled our security -”

“But how do we know that there aren’t any traitors anymore?” Kate asked.


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