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The Devil's Love For The Heiress novel Chapter 5

Two months passed.


Kate was driving herself. She took a left turn from their mansion and went past an estate dear to her. It stunned her to see workers around the property when she perfectly recalled how a family of four lived there.


A frown formed on her face. She found herself parking right in front of the gates. Rolling down her window, she asked, “Are the Smiths having a renovation?”


The two workers carrying materials to the gates looked at each other, puzzled. One replied, “We don’t know the Smiths, miss. We were employed by a certain.” The worker pondered and replied, “Someone named Donald. Yeah. Donald.”


“The house is empty. I think this Donald is the new owner,” said the worker before he and his colleague excused themselves.


Kate stared at the home that formerly belonged to Manuel Ronaldo, Carlos’ father. She sucked in a breath, recalling how Carlos had always wanted to buy the house back, but then again, maybe his plans had changed.


Giving the property one last look, Kate muttered, “I guess it was never meant to be.”


She drove away, heading to her new workplace, the CSK Apparel. It was her first day on the job.




Kate’s new office was humbling compared to the Wright Diamond Corporation, but she understood. It was a new company that was still at the stage of designing its products. The entire company occupied two building floors from one of Braeton’s highest skyrise buildings.


She settled in at her new desk, looking at the designation on the glass door. It read Kate Wright, Marketing Director.


Yes, her role was to put the products out there. Today, she was going to get a complete orientation of the different products that will soon be available in the market, and from there, she and her team would map out the marketing plan.


“Miss Wright?” A female attendant came knocking at her door, calling her attention. “You are needed in the main conference room. You, the directors, and the design team will be there to discuss the first line of products.”


“Certainly, lead the way,” Kate answered with a smile.


Kate was introduced to all directors, including the CEO of the company. The Human Resource Director, Arman, earlier explained that the company was shared by three owners. The lady, Catrina Ross, who introduced herself as a CEO, was only a stand-in.


“Directors, today, marks the completion of our team of executives, ending with Kate Wright, and it is because of this that two of the company’s major shareholders would like to see everyone today. I believe their flight will arrive any minute now in Braeton City,” Catrina announced.


Learning that she would meet the owners of the company made Kate smile. She wanted transparency in her new workplace. Although she was told that the owners had planned to reveal themselves eventually, meeting them sooner boosted her decision to work for CSK Apparel.


Catrina continued to express how everyone was vital to the company’s success. After thanking everybody for their presence, the design team presented the first set of products.


“Today’s generation of wrist watches are different,” Raffa, the design director, said. “They are sporty, and for women, they spelled of luxury.”


“Ladies and gentlemen, introducing to you our first product line. We have jade wristwatches for men and women in various designs. They are made of combined stainless steel, pure nephrite jade, and some pieces with gold in it, too.”


Hearing her favorite gemstone, Kate’s eyes were already rounding. She may very well be her new company’s avid customer. She could not help but remark, “God, I love jade.”


“And the brand?” Raffa said, “will say much of one of the owners. Introducing, RonaldoPlus.”



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