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The Devil Wore A Brown Suit novel Chapter 27

The knock continues. “Damn,” Sam says as he gets up off the couch. “Can I just be alone?” Sam walks to the door, grabs the knob, and opens the door. 

“Sam.” A soft sweet voice speaks as he opens the door. “It’s me. I’m here for you.”

Sam stands in the door. He can’t believe his eyes. It’s Mrs. Bee. “Mrs. Bee,” he says as he grabs her. He pulls her into the office and holds on to her. “How did you know I needed you?” he asks.

“Well, Sam. I just knew you needed me. I just knew. Can I sit? It was a long ride, and I am tired.” She says. 

 Sam points to the couch. “Have a seat, Mrs. Bee.” Sam sits down across from her. Mrs. Bee looked much older than the last time he saw her. She cooked for him and his children almost every night when they lived in New Orleans.

          Mrs. Bee was a mother to him and the children. She was heartbroken when he left. She knew he had no choice.  The decision was made for him.

 She had warned Sam not to listen to Labith. She knew she would not help him. Labith set things in motion for her benefit. Mrs. Bee saw right through her, but Sam thought he could save Camilla, so he had to try. 

“Sam, I heard that Camilla was with the chosen ones. Is it true?” she asks.

Sam nodded. “Don’t ask about the twins. I can’t go into that right now. I just can’t deal with it today or any day.” He responds slowly. Sam has not been himself since the events with Damnation.

“I thought they would be safe. I thought Labith was helping me. She didn’t. You were so right about everything.” Sam says.

“Yes, I was Sam, but I am not here to say I told you so. I am here because Perdition is in New Orleans. I saw her.” Mrs. Bee tells him. “Listen to me Sam, Chaos has her under some kind of spell. She is not herself. It reminds me of the day Camilla Dawn walked into my home looking for you.”

Sam takes another cigarette out of the pack. “Chaos gave her the stone that contained her memories. We think he manipulated it for his benefit.” He says.

Mrs. Bee shifts in her seat. “She has those twins with her. Mayhem might be interested to know she has them.” She says.

“Have you told anyone?” Sam asks.


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