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The Divorced Heiress Revenge (Bella Thompson) novel Chapter 826

Chapter 826 

“Got it, Asher. You don’t need to pick me up. I’ll drive home by myself.” 

In Hatchbay, a black Maserati swiftly entered from the back gate of Yara Park after nightfall, skillfully drifting before coming to a stop in the yard. 

Drew got out of the car and hurried toward Asher, who had been waiting for him. They have not seen each other for six months. 

“Asher! I miss you!” 

“Me too.” 

Asher high-fived him and glanced at the tinted car window. “Is Mr. 

Larson in the car?” 

“Yeah,” Drew sneered. “He refused to stay put.” 

“Even the most difficult person would become obedient after meeting 


Asher’s gentle eyes flashed with a hint of concern. “You didn’t hurt 

him, did you?” 

“Which aspect are you referring to? I didn’t hurt him physically. Does 

emotional harm count?” 

Asher was speechless. 

Drew’s face suddenly twisted in pain. “Fuck! I need to pee. I need to 

Chapter 626 

rush to the bathroom! Asher, wait for me!” 

Before his words fell, Drew disappeared like a wisp of smoke. 

Asher shook his head exasperatedly “How did this brat spend all these years wandering outside? His bladder is worse than before.” 

After a while, Asher noticed some movement in the car, but it soon stopped. He was confused. Unable to suppress his curiosity, he 

approached the car. 

When he walked to the car, it seemed the man inside had heard his 

footsteps and struggled even harder 

Asher narrowed his eyes and pulled the door open. 

The next second, he was shocked! On the back seat, a man over six 

feet tall was lying horizontally, tightly bound and gagged. His mouth 

was taped, and he could only murmur in protest. 

He looked angry and pitiful. 

Was this man Arnold Larson? 

Asher was taken aback. He quickly leaned down, supported his arm 

on the seat, and tore the tape from the man’s mouth. 


Arnold panted heavily, gasping for breath. His beautiful and androgynous face was covered in a thin layer of sweat. 

His skin was soft and fair, like the finest porcelain, and his red lips 

were moist. He looked even more beautiful than a woman. 

However, what attracted Asher the most was the man’s delicate and 

watery eyes. He looked like a frightened animal. From the depths of his eyes, Asher could see a clean and transparent soul. No matter how long had passed, it still shook his mind and body. 

Their eyes met, and it was as if time had frozen at this moment. 

“Hey, why were you so rough with me? You hurt my face!” Arnold 


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