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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14 The Most Familiar Stranger

"Mr. Stuart, no need to be polite. I'll take care of Ranita's things myself! And I'll personally escort her, so you don't have to bother!" Dylan smirked, his lips curling in a mocking manner. "I am Ranita's friend, and it's better to trouble me than some other stranger."

A stranger?!

Brendon's already cold expression turned even colder as he glared at Dylan.

Dylan shrugged and continued taunting him, "Haven't you heard of the phrase 'the most familiar stranger,' Mr. Stuart?"

Ranita was afraid they would start fighting and quickly got into the car, saying, "Let's go, Dylan! We don't want to bother Mr. Stuart."

Ranita had a slight fever.

Before entering Stuart's Corp, she took some cold medicine but still felt like she was walking on cotton when she entered the meeting room.

Her seat was next to Brendon's; she could see him whether she looked up or down.

A faint scent wafted over from Brendon; Ranita instinctively moved her chair away but couldn't move much because of limited space. She accidentally bumped into a senior executive sitting next to her while moving her chair back and felt embarrassed as she moved back again.

The man flipped through documents with an indifferent expression before speaking in a low voice, "Have you read the new contract?"

"... I'm reading it now!" Ranita tried hard to focus on the document but felt more confused with each passing moment.

Ranita was not in a good state, but luckily Rashid was in a hurry. He quickly skimmed through the documents and signed them, and with some polite greetings, the whole process took less than half an hour!

As they bid farewell, Rashid warmly embraced her, reluctant to let go. "Miss Bowman, I really can't bear to see you go! I'm prepared to keep a place for you, so feel free to reach out to me anytime!"

Ranita forced a smile and changed the subject. "Wishing you a safe journey!"

Rashid shrugged nonchalantly and confidently got into his car, driving away.

"I'm sorry!" Ranita followed Brendon into the CEO's office, looking weak and apologetic. "Mr. Stuart, I'm not feeling well today."


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