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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Sealed Lips

Brendon stood at the elevator door, his eyes coldly fixed on her. Shannon ran over and hugged the man's arm, crying out, "Brendon..."

Shannon whimpered and pouted, tears streaming down her face without a word.

"Ranita, what did you do?" Brendon asked in a low angry tone.

"Brendon... don't blame Ranita. It wasn't intentional! She was probably just in a bad mood! The coffee wasn't hot, I'm fine and not hurt! I just beg Ranita not to be mad at me!" Shannon's eyes turned red like a pitiful bunny being bullied.

Ranita felt choked up inside.

"I spilled the coffee," Ranita said with sunken eyes as she washed away her heartache repeatedly in an icy cave that shattered into pieces.

"Nothing else to say?" Brendon's voice was very cold. "I gave you the chance to explain."

She looked at Brendon; what else could she say? No matter what she said, he would still comfort Shannon in the end.

If so, why bother wasting words?

Ranita's silence made Brendon feel even more pressured all around him.

"Shannon, go wash up in the lounge first and change into my clothes." Brendon gave her a cold glance as he helped Shannon walk towards the lounge while she sobbed, "Will Ranita be angry about this?"

"Don't worry about it. Hurry up and go inside!" Brendon spoke softly with tenderness both implicitly and explicitly present throughout his words.

Ranita went back to her small apartment feeling downcast.

This time she lay there for three days straight.

Although Ranita had recovered from her illness physically but emotionally it was another story altogether.

In the middle of the night, Ranita was awakened by the urgent ringing of her phone. She reached for her phone and sat up in bed, saying, "Hello? Who is this?"


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