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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Strike Back

Ranita was attentive, and she suddenly realized that Dylan might have different feelings for her. But when did this start?

"What are you staring at? Don't take it seriously. I'm just joking!" Dylan paused and returned the report to her, coolly saying with his hands in his pockets, "You divorced Brendon, and I just want to help you."

Ranita pursed her lips and didn't ask any further questions.

"Thank you! If there's anything I need your help with, I'll definitely ask."

Dylan was already very satisfied to hear Ranita say these words. He laughed like a fool and said, "I'm always ready!"

"Let's go! I'll take you back to rest!" Dylan went to get the car while Ranita slowly turned towards the hospital lobby. Just as she turned a corner, she met Shannon head-on!

Ranita couldn't help but frown. She didn't want to see anyone from the Stuart family or Shannon!

"Ranita, why are you at the hospital? Are you feeling unwell?" Shannon's voice was soft as if they were close friends.

"Miss Murphy, you should call me Miss Bowman from now on!" Ranita calmly put the examination report into her bag and looked at Shannon with calm eyes. "Brendon isn't here so there's no need for you to deliberately disgust me."

Ranita really didn't want anything to do with Shannon.

Shannon felt embarrassed and stared angrily at Ranita as if she wanted fire coming out of her eyes. "I don't want trouble with you, Miss Bowman! But why do you always come out here bothering me?"

"Holly is right; since you've already divorced Brendon, then stop sticking around him like a leech!" After pausing for a moment, Shannon curled up her lips and continued in an elongated tone, "Do you know why I came here today?"

As she spoke those words softly, she lightly stroked her long hair on top of her stomach, "My appetite hasn't been good lately; plus feeling nauseous all day long…calculating time when Brendon happened to be overseas visiting me... could it be that we have good news?"

Brendon had been together with Shannon... and they even had children?

Ranita lifted her eyelids indifferently, "Congratulations?"


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