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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Friend's Challenge

"Can you double-check some of the technical terms with me?" Ranita asked, and Steve immediately stood up and sat next to her. He handed her his pen and leaned in. "Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Take a look at this section," Ranita said as she leaned in closer to Steve. Their voices were low but focused, and their good looks made them seem even more harmonious together.

Through the slats of the screen, Brendon could see Ranita's profile - delicate and fair with pink lips that moved as she spoke confidently with raised eyebrows.

Brendon pursed his thin lips while furrowing his brow high.

"Brendon, are you going to eat anything?" Shannon asked as she approached him. She took hold of his arm and batted her eyelashes playfully. "What's wrong? You look like your mind is elsewhere."

Shannon knew exactly what was distracting Brendon - Ranita!

She felt frustrated enough to scream!

"I'm fine! What do you want to eat?" Brendon turned away from looking at Ranita's table and picked up the menu.

"You order something for yourself first; I'll just have whatever you're having." Shannon replied before Brendon randomly ordered a few dishes including steamed fish which he blurted out, "With cilantro."

After the waiter left their table, Shannon pouted, "Brendon, when did you start liking cilantro?"

Brendon was taken aback by her question.

He pursed his lips apathetically before replying, "Just once in a while."

He had forgotten that neither he nor Shannon liked cilantro; it was actually someone else who enjoyed it sitting at another table chatting happily with one of his friends.


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