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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 So Angry

"You hurt my hand," Ranita said calmly, but her eyes remained fixed on Brendon.

She dared not blink, afraid of revealing her emotions, afraid of shedding heavy tears, afraid of being seen as pitiful and pathetic in front of Brendon. She was scared that she would lose all dignity in front of him.

The grip on her wrist finally loosened and the steam and cold fragrance dissipated a bit. Ranita lowered her head and pulled her suitcase out.

After she walked a few steps away from him, the man suddenly called out to her again, "Wait!"

Ranita stopped but did not turn around. "What else do you want?" she asked.

His footsteps approached rapidly behind her and his shadow loomed over her head once again blocking off the path ahead. Brendon's gaze fell upon Ranita's coat for a few seconds before he spoke, "Ranita, I can overlook what happened with Shannon but you know that I'm friends with Steve right?"

"After our divorce, I shouldn't have cared about your personal affairs anymore but you shouldn't be playing both sides - flirting with Dylan while also trying to get Steve's attention."

Was she involved with Steve?

Ranita interrupted calmly, "Brendon, you're overthinking things! Although Dr. Pearson is very nice to me just like how we are now, it's purely professional relationship between us two."

She paused for a moment before continuing in an uncomfortable tone, "Mr. Stuart, you can rest assured that I won't let things become awkward between you guys."

Brendon felt frustrated inside.

How could Steve compare to him? He was supposed to be Ranita's man! Was Steve even one at all?


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