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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Won't Eat You

"I'm not going to eat you!" Brendon's voice was particularly low and pleasant amidst the sound of rustling rain. With a strong pull, he forcibly pulled her closer to him.

Ranita's heart felt like it had been tugged as well.

"Thank you..."

"If your clothes get wet, there won't be any new ones for you later!" Brendon paused before adding, "Mrs. Cather is a picky person."

Capitalists were indeed capitalists.

It seemed that he just didn't want her to ruin Stuart's Corp's image.

Ranita pouted slightly, feeling relieved in her heart. Being infatuated and reluctant would only be detrimental to herself in the end.

The location Ranita ordered the taxi from was at the bus stop next door.

Due to the rain, it would take eight minutes for the driver to arrive. Ranita peeked out anxiously waiting for the car, afraid that it might pass by and waste more time.

Suddenly, Ranita heard two eighteen-year-old boys next to her whispering about her.

"Wow! Those legs are amazing!"

"They're so fair and straight! And she looks really pretty... Should we ask for her phone number?"

"She must be older than us though? Shall we go together?"

As young boys whispered while stealing glances at Ranita, she remembered being young herself and noticed their youthful admiration and amazement in their eyes.

Although it was impolite, Ranita felt that they had no ill intentions. Sensing that Ranita was also watching them, the big boy suddenly blushed shyly but his eyes shone brighter as he eagerly wanted to approach and chat with her.

Just then...


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