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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8 My Woman

Suddenly, Ranita's eyes widened slightly.

Brendon's slender fingers suddenly rested on her leg, their warmth palpable. He gently squeezed her leg and said in a deep voice by her ear, "Are you considering giving this old man a chance by not outright rejecting him?"

"What are you talking about!" Ranita glared at Brendon, her ears burning hot behind her black hair. "Mr. Stuart, in public please remove your hand!"

"Who dares to object when I put my hand on my woman's leg?" Brendon's declaration of "my woman" in that deep voice echoed in Ranita's ears, making her heart surge, almost losing control.

"Mr. Stuart, stop it." Ranita took a deep breath, her heart hurting like a knife with every beat.

No matter how beautiful it was, there was still a Shannon between them.

Brendon leaned in, pressing half of his arm against hers. He caught a whiff of citrus on the woman's body and noticed her delicate collarbone peeking out from under her shirt. It was slender and fair, like the white snow tower peony in a greenhouse.

"Tell him that you are my wife."

A deep voice sounded in Ranita's ear, and her heart, as well as her lips and tongue, couldn't help but savor the words.

"You are my wife" - these five words, though only four, were the words she had been waiting for three years. Now that the divorce agreement had been signed, her wish had finally come true.

Ranita's thoughts were too complex and tangled to express.

"You've had too much to drink!" Ranita pursed her lips and ignored Brendon, once again rejecting Rashid.

"Although it's regrettable, let's still be friends! Here is my personal contact information! If you need any help, feel free to reach out to me!"

Ranita did not refuse Rashid's kindness and accepted his business card. She thanked him with a smile and said, "Thank you, I will invite you to dinner when I have time!"

Brendon saw that they were chatting again, his face was very unhappy and he wanted to confront them, but he was stopped by the other party's translator, Amanda.


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