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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 

What’s wrong?” 

He asks more seriously when my laughter dies out. I shake my head, mindlessly twirling a finger around his locks

Nothing. Just thinking about how everything seems a little too perfect right now.” 

It is, isn’t it? You, with your little arms around me. You, with your hair sprawled over my chest. You, with your heat mixing with my own. You, with your body pressed snuggly against mine. You, all wrapped up around me. It’s all just” 

He kisses my wrist


I can’t help the roll of my eyes. The warmth spreading through me burns my skin like molten lava. Every word he says hits a section in my heart. A jabbing sensation that only manages to increase my affection over him

I’m this close to believing everything about me is perfect to you.” 

He doesn’t move to look at me. He just continues peppering my arm with light kisses before múmbling

Isn’t that the case?” 

The seriousness in his tone stops me from responding. And all of a sudden I feel this tremendous weight of guilt holding me down

Guilt for the fact he doesn’t know I already met my mate

Not that I really considered Landon as mine to begin with. Regardless, Raizel had the right to know- he needed to know. In order to pursue this, I had to tell him. It would be wrong and extremely unfair to him if he doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into. The extent of how damaged I was

Whether he changes his mind or not about being with me is unclear but he needed to know

Would he feel any different to know that I’ve been rejected? Would he still want me after finding out that I was unwanted? Would he still look at me with such tenderness after finding out how useless I was? That I couldn’t save anyone? That I couldn’t save Duskfall

A pang of fear rippled through me. Burying my face into his neck, I inhaled his scent, trying to comfort the creeping fear of rejection. After Landon, I was sure nothing could break my heart again. Then the rogues attacked. After the rogues attacked, my heart was torn into pieces just when I picked it up and put it together. Then Bentley was taken from me. After Bentley was taken from me, my heart was was viciously torn from my chest. Then they took Lila from me

After they took Lila from me, my heart was unrecoverable

I was living fine. I had Noah and Isaac, Meredith and Williams but there was always a void in my heart

Then Raizel showed up

And the tiny bit of light came back to my life. A small, shimmering light that was just beyond my reach. A light that quickly spread through me with no forewarning beforehand. A light I was so 

The Carla Mobiola Sapotran 


Chapter 135 

blindly following no matter the consequences

And if someone takes Raizel from me… 

I doubt I could ever bring myself up to the surface again

If im feeling this deep for a man I just barely got to know but somehow feel so inexplicably connected to, I can’t imagine the weight of his rejection will affect me

I could possibly lose him

But I had to tell him

It was only right to

I need to tell you something.” 

I mutter, pulling away from him. There’s a confused frown on his face, but he still rubs down my arms comfortingly. Just the small gesture is enough to encourage me to continue. I let out a breath

Remember when you asked me if I had a mate?” 

He flinches under me, his hand freezing midbrush. The he gives me a curt nod. Nothing less, nothing more. A reaction that tells nothing of his thoughts

He’s unaware of it but his hold around me tightens

I already found him.” 


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