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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 

With a mask of indifference, I almost feel the need to smirk overpower 

y will. To see one of the people responsible for my suffering under my mercy. I can so easily kill him- one flick of the wrist and I could cut a limb or two. One word and his neck would be snapped

His fate was entirely up to me

Isaac casts me a smile. One full of caged desires to rip into Val’s skin and tear him apart. He’s waiting for permission, waiting for me to give the word so he could unleash years of torment embedding his consciousness. The anger and anguish still haunting him of being unable to protect the pack and people he grew up with

The very same anger that fueled me

Why did you attack Duskfall?” 

Val’s head drooped to the side. Blood trickles down his temples, eyes bloodshot with bags under them. A range of thin and thick gashes littering his chest and arms like a canvas splattered with a lick of paint. Pale, sickly and weak, Val stares at me with little comprehension

A vast difference to how he was just twentyfour hours before

Before Isaac and I made the trip to the Capital in order to resume the interrogation. Back when everyone was still at the pack house

Good news everyone, Isaac didn’t lose half his wardrobe!” 

Noah came strolling in with a wide grin on his face. Isaac followed in looking a lot less happy and rolled his eyes with two duffle bags hanging off his shoulders. Bulky from the amount of clothes inside, he dropped the two on the ground like deadweight with a loud thud coming from the impact

Could’ve used a little help carrying it, but that’s okay.” 

Noah just continues smiling on as if he didn’t hear the purposeful jab directing at him. Knowing the shot was going to be ignored, Isaac sighs out and puts his hands to his hips. He looked tired; a little worn out from the rugged look on his face and the mess on top of his head. I’d say he wasn’t sleeping much from the dark circles he was sporting too

Where’s Weston?” 

Williams questions, leaning over to see if the blonde was behind the two. I peer over Noah and Isaac, copying Williams only to see Weston missing

Aw fuck!” 

Noah exclaims with exasperation. His hands shoot up to grasp on his hair on either side of his head. The pure agony in his expression almost sending me and Williams into a fit of laughter. He looks over to me with eyes wide with panic

We lost him. We fucking lost him! Dammit Isaac!” 

Isaac whirls his head around to look at Noah. He’s baffled, mouth gaping from shock as he blinked away the gobsmacked look on his face. I could feel the offense he took radiating off him. Knitting his brows together he narrows his gaze at the brunette. If looks could kill, Noah would’ve been six feet under by now


Chapter 143 

What did I do? I was just looking for my clothes. If any one is at fault here, it’s you!” 

Noah frowns. He crossed his arms defiantly from the accusation and turned away snobbishly. I could feel the start of a very dramatic monologue coming through. Patiently, I waited for the show to start with my knuckles tucked under my chin

I should’ve listened to mother. She warned me about men like you. Not wanting responsibility but ohho, when they first see that ass they’d be whispering all sorts of promises in your ear!” 

Bro, what the actual fu-” 

Men. You just can’t trust them.” 

Before I could intervene, Meredith’s strong voice cuts through the air

Please don’t tell me Beta Creed is currently roaming around our territory without a guide. He’ll get lost. Worst, our unmated females might kidnap him.” 

My gaze travels to the stairs where she walks down with Raizel right behind her. Meredith looked a lot more relaxed; elated even, compared to before. A small smile inched across my face when Raizel’s eyes connected with mine

I made a mental note to ask what they spoke about later


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