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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 

Val’s blood seeped through the cracks of his teeth, gums slightly punctured from his canines elongating at random times from the feral responses his wolf was lashing out with. I let a frown form on my face. I was sitting in front of him, Isaac hovering behind his figure with incredible restraint. Veins were popping out on his arm that held onto Val’s hair

He’s practically shaking with anger

Oh Val,” 

I sigh out, crossing my legs in front of him

You do understand that your defiance isn’t only bad for you, right?” 

For a split second fear flashed through his eyes. But he was quick to discern it as a smirk played out on his face

Fio is a strong wolf. She won’t break under you.” 

I grin to Val’s surprise

1 nod, uncrossing my legs to stand and begin to circle around him. His wolf finds it intimidating, eyes warily looking in all direction as I take my time surveying him

You’re right. She’s strong.” 

I make a stop right behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders to feel his muscles tightening from fear. leaning down, I whisper in his ear

-Only, I wasn’t just talking about your beloved mate.” 

Val’s head whips to look at me, a frantic look in his eyes as he forces himself to decode my words. Oh Goddess, the man was so gullible

Wwhat’re you talking about?” 

I hummed, sparing a glance at Isaac. He’s already looking at me, a smirk on his face as he pulls Val’s hair harder to keep him upright. Val flinches, growling in anger at the way he was treated but focused on me again. I could see the gears in his head turning. A uncertain answer in his head bringing forth anxiety, confusion, joy but undeniable fear tying everything together

Running a hand down his chest, I let my palm rest ontop of where his heart should be

Well this is kind of sad. I didn’t expect to be the one delivering the news, but oh well.” 

The adrenaline inside him is kicking in, his heart rate skyrocketing as he hangs onto my words


I smile, pulling away as I grasp his jaw in my hand. The door to the cell opens revealing Noah dragging Fio by the shackles into the room. Val begins to thrash around, seeing his mate whimper and scream to be let go. He pulls and tugs at the chains binding him, growling out his frustration at being held down that he almost doesn’t hear what I say next

-You’re a dad.” 

Immediately, Val stops moving. He slowly looks at me, the fear that he tried so hard to hide now out in the open as he stares at Fio


Chapter 145 

Fío sobs, her mouth gaping open as she takes in the sight of her mate all bloodied and bruised

Yyou can’t-” 

Val tries his hardest to form words but he can’t. He’s too in shock

Mmy pup.” 

I feign a look of pity, leaning down to his face. His eyes are still glued to his mate, never leaving her when I tell him

You took my pup, so you can’t really blame me if I take 


Val’s lips tremble as his eyes meet mine. Seeing the certainty in my eyes makes him shake. His wolf no longer focusing on his anger and instead submitting in fear for his mate and pup. He shakes his head, muttering strings of no’sand pleas but I don’t listen. I don’t have the heart to

Yyou wouldn’t be so cruel as to involve an innocent pup!” 

he shouts after me

At this, I couldn’t resist but to look at him. The terror in his face doubles when he sees how deathly 

serious l’am

Shall we test that theory?” 


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