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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 

NOT mates. Woaaahhhh, what a motherfucking surpriseeee- not. And so Asshat was all like oh em gee I was just jk jk but not really jk. I am so sorry Alpha, my daughter didn’t mean itbut Alpha Locksworth totally likeignored his existence -almost like how I ignore Weston’s- and went straight to Selene and just reaches out for her and goes, The test. I’d like to try it with youand bitch, when I tell you I almost passed out from the sexual tension, I meant it. I seriously forgot how to breathe. They were so eyefucking each other. You think its over but ohho wait til you get a load of thisWalker is like fuming

He’s jealous

He’s angry

He’s irate

Yes, I got that from The Office Season 5, Episode 7. Hey! Don’t look at me like that. Its a good show! This is a judge free zone, Everdale! But anyway, you can see it in his eyes that Walker’s pissed off. And Locksworth is like ion give a fuck bout this fuckboiand pays him zero attention. So they go to the Pool, holding hands. That’s right. You heard me: holding. hands. They get their blood in the water andoh yeah, remind me to give Selene a knife cause she totally cut her palm with a claw. It’s badass but we can’t look like we don’t have resources

And the anticipation is real. I mean, I knew it was impossible since you knowWalker won’t just die but for some weird reason, I was holding my breath too. The water turned red being the little shit it is and as disappointing as it was, the development after wasn’t. So we all left and everything and Alpha stayed at the Capital until a few days later. It was the day of the Gala where shit went down. My weave was snatched. It just flew the fuck away. So Selene came out there looking fine as heck and everybody was looking. She’s showing these fuckers what it means to be an Alpha when a crusty ass boy who I think is Chancellor Williamsnephew started talking to her. Walker was there too, but no one cares about him. He is irrelevant. Guess he didn’t get the memo cause next thing we know, he’s about to march over there and rip the nephew away but then” 

Noah takes a huge breath in

BOOM, Locksworth showed up. He’s looking sharp and fuckable, like a three course meal for our Alpha. He’s looking around the crowd, looking for a specific person and then he sees Selene. It’s like the world just stopped for them. I swear I saw glitter and shit when their eyes connected. He walks over to her, they talk, he hands her a drink, next thing 

frisky. His hand is on her thigh, her leg is around his wai know they’re on the dance floor getting 

and I swear they kissed like a thousand times but not on the lips cause I guess teasing is a kink or something. They looked so good together. Everyone thinks so too. Soon enough they stop dancing. We go home but before we do, according to Alpha, Walker being the villain he is had to say something along the lines of you my mate, you no go to other men. you mine! and then Alpha was like shut your bitch ass up and leave me the fuck alone you selfish, sisterfucking, traitorous, no good mate

After that, Hestia made it a point to make a visit which I don’t really know about then out of nowhere Alpha Locksworth is here with Chancellor Williams. He goes looking for Alpha and then I notice he was gone for like twenty minutes so I go looking for him and when I open the door they were full on making out. Therefore the text I sent you about Alpha being eaten was justified. I dip real fast not really wanting to see the process of pup making right in front of me, complain to Meredith and then here you are.” 


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary 


Chapter 149 

Isaac stares at Noah

1 stare at Noah

Meredith stares at Noah

Mailia stares at Noah

And then silence

You forgot the part where Alpha Locksworth sent her flowers.” 

Mailia pitches in. Noah snaps his fingers, pointing at Mailia with a shit eating grin on his face

Oh damn, you’re right. Good catch, Mailia.” 

Slowly, Isaac turns to me with a blank look on his face

You’re sure you don’t want another Beta? I can easily name you four people at the top of my head who would do wonderfully-” 

I know where you keep your stamp collection, Everdale.” 

Noah interrupts sharply


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