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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164 

Our eyes flutter shut. Groans and moans with the sound of water pattering against the shower floor engulfing us both. The tip of his tongue swipes at the seam of my lips. A bold move that I eagerly welcome

What started out slow and sensual quickly growing hungry with the intention to sate the thirst

Raizel’s hands wander against my skin. Pushing me to the shower wall as he deepens our kiss, he cages me. I shiver when the cool shower wall touches my back. Tongue against tongue, a battle for dominance is ensued. Dominance I was almost all too 

no to give up for when his hand reached 

between us to tug at my pants button. He tugged, drawing my attention to my pants and hastily unbuttoned it myself. Raizel stops me, his hands curled around my wrists and pulled it away from my jeans. He used one hand to push my arms above my head, angling his head down to my shoulder

I groaned, throwing my head back until it rested against the shower wall. Raizel’s lips trailing down my neck with wet, openmouthed kisses. Every little peck igniting all new sorts of sensations across my body. He glides his tongue over my collarbone, licking a line down between my breasts and over my bra to my navel

I stop breathing, watching him through my lashes as he kneels before me. He looks up once and licks his lips

Do you want this?” 

Goddess, he sounded so sexy

The husky deep undertone just bleeding with seduction was enough to rake another ripple of bliss through my spine. I nod, raising a hand to my mouth and bit at my bottom lip


Breathless. I was so breathless

Raizel looks back to my pants, hooking his fingers around my belt loops before pulling down. I can feel a rumble of satisfaction from my wolf. She was enjoying every second of what was going on. But me? It was pure torture. His fingers grazing against my thighs when he made the move to get my pants off

So. Painstakingly. Slow

The heat of the moment going passed boiling point when he slides my pants off my legs to toss over his shoulders. He holds my leg up, hooking it over his shoulder as I stood pressed against the wall. My heart ready to jump out of my chest as when he pushes himself between my legs

ཋཝཝ ཋ 

He looks at me one last time

Are you sure?” 

Very fucking sure.” 

His lips twitch into a small smirk from the desperation in my voice. The shakiness, the sound of it almost like a whine– I would’ve found it mortifying but in this moment, I could hardly care. All I could think about was his damn tongue and just what he could do with it

(Damn okay Selly you horny af

He carefully slid his fingers over my underwear. A whimper pulling from my lips when he begins to rub the base of his fingers over my clit. He rolls his fingers over the bud, teasing, when he slides his fingers in my underwear to touch me directly

I suck in a breath, shutting my eyes when he suddenly stops. The beginnings of a whine nearly tears 


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary 


Chapter 164 

from inside me

I peel my eyes open, staring down at him curiously

Eyes on me, love.” 


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