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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 200

Part 27

“Let the record show that Markhan Reginus Longstrider the Fifth; Ranger of Finitra, Knight of The High People, Prince of Hilia, Lord of Serminak, Key to The Just Alliance, and key to the imminent nexus of Kellaran, has won The Tournament of Governors! His is the best leadership we have available. We now propose that he be elevated to the position of Ruling Governor of The Just Alliance until such time as the demons have been defeated.”

“Now just a minute…!” Mark protested, but Somonik just over-rode him.

“Let the record show that one is against the proposal, being Mark, seven have abstained from declaring an opinion, and the rest are in favor. The proposal has passed.” The white dragon god happily declared.

“Now just hold on here!” Mark growled as he set his wives down. “I mean, what the hell are you doing?! I just proved that we’re all better off with independent nations!”

“True, but that’s irrelevant.” Grakonexikaldoron dismissively stated, still grinning. “In your scenario, all of the crucial elements were your doing. Immediate remediation of destroyed wilderness and poisoned water was your suggestion, and you debated masterfully in order to convince The Assembly to allocate the resources. The same is true of the overall battle-strategy; waiting until the demons were preparing to deploy, then attacking with every resource. It was almost entirely your doing. The speeches you made were crucial to maintaining morale and informing the populous of the state of things, and the people followed you, specifically you, Mark, regardless of whether or not you had any legal political authority over them.

“The same situation exists on Kellaran today.

“Your insistence that you don’t lead Kellaran and that your brilliant wisdom is simply common sense are very humble and noble and charming, and we don’t want you to change in any way. But at the same time, you’re not fooling anyone. You already lead Kellaran, and this is just a formality and a token of our appreciation.

“Now, you need a token of office. I know you won’t want anything too ostentatious, so I’ve made up this ring, and I think it’s rather nice. You’ll notice it has the symbol of The Just Alliance on it. And since I think you might be reluctant to wear it, I’ll just put it on you myself.”

With a move as quick as thought, she reached out and slipped it onto his right middle finger.

“I won’t wear it, and I’m not accepting the position.” Mark bluntly stated as he tried to take the ring off.

“You can’t take it off, since myself and at least fifty other new gods want you to keep it on.” she chuckled. “In order to remove it, you’d need to develop or recruit more will or more power than we have, and frankly, you won’t be able to find enough to help you.

“Furthermore, the proposal has already passed, so you can’t refuse it. We refuse your refusal.”

“Then I’m abdicating!” he yelled, starting to lose his temper as he failed to remove the ring. “And let me take this damn thing off! It’s a crime to force me to wear it!”

“Is the ring uncomfortable or inhibiting of your movement in any way?” she pleasantly asked.

“Well, no, it’s perfectly comfortable, but…”

“Then it’s not unjust to force you to wear the insignia of the rank that you so obviously deserve.” she patiently insisted. “As Falgaroth, who now guides all our morality, would agree. Right Falgaroth?”

“Right.” Falgaroth agreed with a whinnying laugh as he momentarily appeared on stage, then vanished again.

“There, you see?” Gran continued. “And we refuse your abdication.”

Chapter 200 1


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