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The first heir novel (Master Yu Who Smokes) novel Chapter 28

His whole body was trembling as his gaze darted around.

Upon seeing Philip, he crawled over on his knees and prostrated as he begged, “Ph… Philip, Brother Philip! Seeing as I’m a colleague of Deputy Manager Johnston, please forgive me this time. I won’t ever do it again.”

Philip’s eyes were cold with underlying fury. “I do not wish to see him in Riverdale City ever again.”

“Yes, Mr. Clarke!” Theo was a man of the underground world, so he could easily understand the meaning behind Philip’s words.

With just an eye signal, two men grabbed Gavin who was wailing and howling for forgiveness and dragged him to another room. Gavin was so frightened that he wet and soiled himself on the spot, leaving a foul smell in his wake.

“It’s your turn, Jeffrey Scott,” said Philip.

Jeffrey hung his head and forced a smile. “Mr. Clarke, since my uncle is Henry Turner and you’re acquainted with him, let’s not create any bad blood. Let me go this time and I will never again step foot into Riverdale City.” Jeffrey had already thought it through. No matter how powerful Mr. Clarke was, he was probably only just a little bit more capable. If Mr. Clarke really did anything to him, his uncle would definitely not let this man off. Hence, he grew a little more confident.

“Don’t create bad blood?” Upon hearing this, Philip laughed. “Do you know who that woman you were trying to lay a hand on is?”

Jeffrey genuinely had no idea. “It’s just a woman. Does Mr. Clarke really want to turn this into a life and death struggle?”

“A life and death struggle?” Philip’s expression hardened almost immediately as his gaze turned cold. “Wynn Johnston is my wife!”

Thump! Jeffrey shuddered. He knew in an instant that things have gotten serious! He had ended up toying someone else’s wife! Sh*t!

“Uhm, Mr. Clarke, it was just an almost. I’ll compensate five hundred thousand as an apology, please take it as a mental compensation for yourselves.” Jeffrey was feeling anxious inside but he maintained a confidant front. To Jeffrey, five hundred thousand was quite a lot.

“Are you discussing money with me?” Philip said chillingly. “Theo, give him three million.”

Theo did not hesitate. He took one man along with him to personally withdraw the cash. The whole process took less than five minutes as three silver briefcases appeared on the coffee table, opened to show that it was all filled with red notes! There were three whole million in here!

Cold sweat started to form on Jeffrey’s forehead. The corner of his mouth twitched. “Mr. Clarke, what do you mean by this?”

“I’m buying your third leg!” Philip’s voice was cold.

Right after he spoke, Theo’s men pressed Jeffrey to the ground with his back on the floor, and stripped him, leaving only his underwear on.


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