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The Genius Delta novel Chapter 25

I’m glad we could clear Rohan’s name. That bird intrigues me almost as much as my mate. It doesn’t explain how Dove knew something Jonathan didn’t. There’s no logical reason that Dove would know Rohan was rejected rather than mateless. That is such bullshit. It makes me want to travel to Paris, find his rejector, and teach him a lesson. I can’t wait until we get the chance to dig into what Dove can do.

And realizing that Sybille is Luna Sylvia’s sister was a trip. I’m going to have to tell Delilah. I don’t want her to find out suddenly. My sister is more emotional than I am. So knowing her, she’d break down crying and hug Sybille making the woman uncomfortable. I should also make sure Crista and Tie know if they don’t already know. I wouldn’t want them getting caught off guard when they show up. There will be enough drama without adding to it.

A lot was going on in my head. I have a meeting with the female leaders of Bloodmoon, and we need to schedule appointments with my potential guards to make a decision, my family will be here next week, and we still have to deal with the office where we can’t be physically. My brain reviewed everything and added what I still needed to work on at the office. I will not slack during this internship just because Jonathan is my mate.

We didn’t even have to discuss it. Jonathan and I were in sync as we turned from the front door and headed for Logan’s office. My train of thought derailed when we heard Cillian getting yelled at by Logan for wanting to get out of his assignment. I winced as I stepped on a squeaky floorboard, and the office fell silent.

“Get your asses in here instead of eavesdropping,” Logan commanded.

Jonathan grimaced as he pushed the door open. “It’s eavesdropping when people in Mount Adams could hear you shouting.” He played off his concerns with a smile as we walked into the office.

Cillian looked nervous as he glanced at Jonathan and me. I’m not sure if he’s worried because Logan was shouting or that we are in the way of his only escape route. He certainly can’t be afraid of Jonathan and me. I may not know Cillian well, but even during the Incubi war, Cillian didn’t seem this unkempt. His dark strawberry-blonde hair looked like he’d been tugging at it. His gray eyes were slightly bloodshot, and he appeared jittery.

“Cillian? What’s going on, man?” Jonathan asked. “Not to sound rude, but you look like shit. I haven’t seen someone look that messed up since John tried to stay away from Sarael.” Jonathan teased him.

Jonathan may have been laughing, but the look on Cillian’s face said this wasn’t a laughing matter. Jonathan noticed and blinked. “Are you shitting me? You found your mate?” Jonathan asked.

“Is that why you want out of your assignment? You don’t want to be away from her?” I questioned.

“It’s…that’s not it. I have to quit this assignment because if I don’t, I’ll be compromised. I won’t let that happen. I won’t put myself in a position where the bond could compel me to betray my Alphas.” Cillian shook his head, looking pale.

“Betray us?” Logan questioned.

“What does that mean? Cillian, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s happening. I’ve already lost one pack member, someone I thought was loyal and trustworthy because they didn’t come to me with concern and ended up being used by their mate.” Logan frowned.

“We won’t let that happen again.” Jonathan chimed in, nodding his head. “You have to be honest with us, Cillian. We’ll do whatever we can to help.”

“I… I can’t do this. She’s my mate….” Cillian shook his head.

“Who’s your mate?” I asked.

“Mila.” He whispered the name.

With how silent the room went, you’d think he’d just dropped a nuclear bomb. Of all the people in the world, for that bitch to be mated to, it had to be Cillian. Why Goddess? Cillian is, from what I can understand, a good man. Why would you pair him with slime like her? Then again, you paired a sweet person like Amelia with that trash Icky Iggy. Sometimes you work in ways that make zero sense.

“I can’t spy on her when I know what she is to me.” Cillian shook his head, pushing through the silent reactions of the rest of the room.

“I feel like a fucking creep doing it. And worse is that Conchobar keeps wanting to take control and go to her. He wants to mark her and get the foolish thought of taking Delta Jonathan as a chosen mate out of her head.” Cillian growled, his eyes narrowing at Jonathan as his wolf tried to press forward.

While I understand this is a bad situation for him, I’m not letting that shit fly. So I took a page from the book of Katrina and how she deals with Chesed. I grabbed a paper off Logan’s desk and thwacked Cillian on the nose.

“What the hell!?” Cillian blinked as he stepped back.

“Get your wolf in check. If he growls at my mate like this is somehow his fault again, I’ll kick your ass.” I warned him as I shook the rolled-up paper at him. “I learned from the best on dealing with unruly wolves.”

Logan snickered as he shook his head from behind his desk. Jonathan was still in stunned silence at the whole incident. He’s been silent since Cillian let the bomb drop about Mila being his mate.

“I can’t help it. I know Mila has her eyes set on him. I heard her on the phone last night at her temporary apartment. She was talking to someone about finding him and that she’d make Jonny Weaver hers before the week was out.” Cillian grumbled, folding his arms.

“That’s on her, not Jonathan. He’s mine, and you know that. So don’t go taking your issues out on my innocent mate.” I narrowed my eyes, waving the paper again. “Am I clear?”

“Cillian…” Jonathan sighed. “I can assure you and your wolf Jaci, and I want nothing to do with her. I only want Persephone, so there is zero chance that what your mate was plotting will happen. I’d rather die than let someone else mark me.”

“I know…” Cillian sighed, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes. “I know you wouldn’t take a mate that isn’t your own. It just… it fucking hurts that she’d take a chosen mate without even trying to look for me.”


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