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The Genius Delta novel Chapter 31

I can’t believe I just did that! Who am I? Because I’m certainly not myself, or at least not the person I was before I met Jonathan. Before him, I’d have wrinkled my nose and dismissed the idea of putting work aside for a guy. I’d probably have made a face and gagged at the notion of giving a blow job, least of all in a bathroom. That’s more something André would do. He probably has either with Darren or someone he knew before Darren.

Yeah, I will stop thinking about that before I get sick. No offense to André. He’s a good-looking guy, but beyond that, he’s family. I don’t want the visual of him sucking some guy’s dick in a bathroom. I cringed, wrinkling my nose as I shook my head vehemently in the bathroom stall.

‘How about focusing on Jonathan and the dick you just sucked.’ Sara suggested. ‘You enjoyed it, and you know it. And if you want to lie and say you didn’t, your wet panties say otherwise.’ She taunted.

I didn’t have time for her foolishness. I had to get myself under control when I heard two male voices in the bathroom. I couldn’t walk out there blushing over what we’d just done. We are in a professional environment. Or at least that’s what this is supposed to be. The more I meet staff in this company, the less I believe that’s true. The way they treat Jonathan is appalling. The disrespectful assholes are lucky my mate is such an easygoing and forgiving man.

I get why Jonathan keeps his identity a secret, but I don’t think I can understand how he allows people to disrespect him, even when he’s Jonny. He doesn’t have to pull the boss card, but he should stand up for himself. The number of jaws that would drop, people that would shit or piss themselves, and groveling apologies that would happen if these people knew Jonny Weaver was their boss Jonathan Silvercloud.

‘He may not be willing to stand up for himself as Jonny Weaver, but at least he’s willing to do so for you.’ Sara pointed out as Jonathan stood up against Robbie and Dick… I mean Dirk, in my defense.

I was ready to get involved and put these two assholes on their asses when things escalated. I didn’t end up needing to, as John Kinsley walked in. I’m not sure if the med-bot was an excuse, but it was still weird for him to look for Jonathan in the bathroom. I’d ask how he knew where to find him, but that would be pointless. Even if they weren’t of the same pack, werewolves have a keen sense of smell he’d be able to track Jonathan anywhere in the building.

Besides, John showing up in the bathroom, of all places, made it even more entertaining. It’s a good thing they were in a bathroom because I’m pretty sure Robbie and Dick need to change their underwear after that. I commend myself for not laughing until we returned to the lab. After we were inside, all bets were off, and I laughed openly. Jonathan at least joined in my laughter, while John didn’t look amused.

“Aw, don’t be like that, John. You know you love me like your own flesh and blood.” Jonathan chuckled as he put an arm around John’s shoulders.

They were opposites. John was clean-cut in a business suit and tie. Meanwhile, Jonathan had his thick beard, rocked casual jeans and a science joke tee. I don’t think I’ve seen such an eclectic group of ranked wolves as Bloodmoon. In Incubi, the ranked wolves always dress at least in business casual unless in their private time. The same for Nebrodi and even Madonie though André’s idea of business casual is a bit brighter than most.

You’d never expect them to be friends, well maybe John and Charles, but that’s about it. Yet in Bloodmoon, their Alpha is a scruffy mountain man casual in jeans and flannel. Their Beta John is formal in a business suit. Their Gamma Charles favors a less formal look wearing business casual. And then there is their Delta, my mate Jonathan in geek casual. I’m still surprised with how well these four very different personalities manage to work together to run the largest pack in North America.

“Yes… well, I’m stuck with you.” John sighed as he removed Jonathan’s arm from around his shoulders. “My brother did make a promise to your mother to look out for you. That didn’t go away when you became an adult.”

John frowned as he looked at what Jonathan was wearing. “Some days, I question the adult part. What on earth are you wearing? This is a place of business. Even Persephone has dressed appropriately.” He gestured to me.

“What? I love this shirt. Isis and Kurt got it for me, so if you have a problem, take it up with your niece.” Jonathan grinned as he stepped back to my side. “And you act like I can’t dress up. I wore a suit at least six times.”

“Six times? That’s your clap back to him saying you dress childishly?” I arched my eyebrow.

“Weddings and funerals do not count, Jon.” John sighed in exasperation as he ran a hand over his face.

“So, did you want to discuss the med-bot? Or was there another reason you tracked us to the restroom?” I asked, deciding John might prefer a change in subject.

“While, yes, I would like an update on the project. It wasn’t the main reason I was looking for Jon.” John nodded.

“What’s up?” Jonathan asked as he hopped onto the workstation, casually kicking his legs.

I couldn’t stop the giggle from escaping my lips. Jonathan is too damn adorable for words.

“Beg your pardon. Please, continue, Mister Kinsley.” I blushed, embarrassed at giggling so suddenly, as John arched his brow at me.

“We should discuss this elsewhere, somewhere more secure,” John suggested glancing at where the camera was.

“Ah… yes, hold on. I had a rather ingenious revelation last night. I probably would’ve gotten out of bed to build it, but someone….” Jonathan smirked as he winked at me. “Was dead set on keeping me in bed.”

I rolled my eyes, hating that I was blushing.

“Enough with taunting Miss Fayte. Please get to your point.” John gestured with his hand for him to move things along.

“Alright, alright.” Jonathan laughed as he jumped down and went to his computer. “I’ll taunt her in private at home.” He muttered though we both heard him.

‘Oh, how you look forward to him teasing you at home.’ Sara chuckled.

I ignored her and focused on the blazing-fast movements of Jonathan’s fingers on his keyboard. Damn, he’s got some talented fingers.

‘This isn’t news. Jonathan finger-banged you, so you already know he’s good with his hands.’ Sara didn’t miss a beat. I swear the Goddess must have decided that if I lived outside of Sicily and far from André D’Amore, I needed a horndog for a wolf to make up for it.


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