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The Genius Delta novel Chapter 7

I used to tease Logan that he and Aurelia couldn’t be left alone in his office, or they’d get no work done because of all their fucking. He would flip me off and tell me to wait. I fully understand why none of my friends share an office space with their mates, and I don’t think I can do this. My lab at the office is spacious when it’s just me, but with Persephone in here, I feel like I’m in a closet. She’s both too far and too close.

It wouldn’t be a big deal if this were my bunker lab. I could touch Persephone as much as she’d let me without worrying about someone watching and what it could do to her future in this industry. But we are in the Silvercloud HQ, and I don’t want to do anything that risks the reason she’s here. She didn’t come here to find her mate. She came here for this opportunity with my company. So despite what Jaci and I want, I’ve tried to ignore her scent and the pull of the bond.

I’m both grateful and annoyed that Shikoba sent that text that interrupted our kiss earlier. She was right to remind me that this is a business, and we shouldn’t be doing that here. And as much as I wanted to go into the system and turn off the cameras in my lab, I didn’t. It would look suspicious if anyone paid enough attention. I already have Shikoba asking me what’s going on with my intern. I don’t need more people asking questions.

Thankfully I got a chunk of the coding done for my med-bot. Having a task to focus on was helping, for the most part. It didn’t stop me from being hyper-aware of Persephone’s presence in my lab. And I couldn’t help but glance over my shoulder every so often to look at her. More times than not, I would catch her looking back at me, and we’d both be embarrassed that we got caught and look away.

This happened to be one of those moments, though the reason I’d turned was less to do with my attraction and more with the gurgling noise emanating from her side of the room. If this were someone else making those sounds like anyone in the pack’s stomach, I’d have wrinkled my nose and asked if they needed an exorcist or something along those lines. Yeah, I got it bad if her stomach gurgles are cute.

“Hungry?” I asked with a smile as she blushed, holding her hand over her stomach.

“I may have forgotten to eat this morning. And the donuts and coffee they offered weren’t all that appetizing.” Persephone confessed.

“Why didn’t you eat this morning?” I asked because anyone that leaves the packhouse hungry should see a doctor. Mrs. Carmichael makes delicious food and plenty of it. “I know there is always a great spread of food where you’re staying.”

“Jet lag and an impromptu run left me without enough time to eat. It was either eat and come to work still in the clothes I traveled in or skip breakfast to take a shower and change.” Persephone shrugged, still blushing.

I love seeing that soft stain of pink on her cheeks. I wish she were blushing for something other than the embarrassment of being hungry. For example, I can’t help but wonder if she’ll turn the same shade of pink when aroused or post-sex. I shook my head slightly because I should NOT let my mind go down that path. If I start thinking about sex with Persephone, I will be sporting wood for the rest of the day. It’s not a good look and would make the rest of the day uncomfortable.

I nodded and didn’t press why she went on the run. We must be cautious about what we talk about here for the sake of werewolf secrecy. I assume the run is because her wolf wanted to stretch her legs after a long flight from Italy. I can’t blame her for that. Jaci would be going stir-crazy if we had to travel that far. He gets stir-crazy if I spend too long in my bunker.

“Gotcha.” I nodded and checked the time. “No wonder your stomach is growling. It’s way past lunchtime. Come on, let’s grab something to eat.” I suggested locking down my computer.

“Sounds good to me. Is there a cafeteria in the building? Or are we going somewhere nearby?” She asked, following my lead as she locked her computer.

“Well, there is a company cafeteria. I tend not to eat there when I’m here.” I shrugged, putting my hand on the small of her back as I guided her out of the office.

Was I looking for an excuse to touch her? Duh. Her back stiffened for a half second when my hand pressed against her, but she quickly relaxed into my touch. So I’m not the only one who wanted the excuse to be physically closer.

“Why don’t you eat at the cafeteria? Is the food bad?” Persephone asked as we got into the elevator.

“No. I’m sure the food here is great. I’m the outcast of Silvercloud.” I shrugged.

I still found it hilarious that the boss is the pariah of his own company. I’m sure people would be nicer to me if they knew who I really am, but this is much more entertaining. Shit, that reminds me, I need to tell Persephone who I am. Like who I really am. I hope she’s not going to be pissed at me or anyone else for never telling her that Delta Jonathan is Jonathan Silvercloud, founder and CEO of Silvercloud.

I can’t tell her my real identity here at the office—too many eyes and ears. The last thing I want or need is the public eye’s scrutiny. I’m not like John and Logan, who can handle it. Maybe I can tell her at lunch, or I can tell her on the drive back to Bloodmoon.

“Why would you be an outcast? The way Kurt and Isis talk about you, it sounded like you’re one of the most liked people in town.” Persephone frowned.

“To them, I’m the most liked person. Here I’m, the guy that’s caused a few minor fires.” I chuckled. “They worry every time I come into the office.”

“Justifiably, Weaver.” Reed Hill stated in his monotone voice as he and the girl from earlier stepped into the elevator. “You should find out if they will reassign your mentor, young lady. Weaver is nothing but trouble, and associating with him will only reflect poorly on you later.”


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