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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 105

Sophie’s pov

After warming up some canned soup for Ashton, I returned to the room and passed the small bowl to Aiden who insisted that he would feed him.

I left the two to bond and went back to the living room to talk to Mila and Ria.

They both looked at me, silently asking me why I came back without the bowl and Ashton.

“I left him with Aiden who insisted on feeding him himself,” | said and plopped on one of the sofas.

Ria smiled. “He’s trying to bond with him. How cute.”

I couldn’t help but agree with her. Aiden was trying really hard and the doubts I had about him were slowly starting to


“How did Ash come down with the cold anyway?” Mila asked

in concern.

I let out a sigh. “I have no idea, Mila. They called me to pick him up. When we got there, he had a fever so Aiden and I brought him to the hospital.”

“Did the fever go down at least?” Mila asked with concern ringing in her voice.

I nod. “His body temperature is almost back to normal.”

Mila looks relieved.

“What about Aiden? Is he sleeping over? When we got there, that Mitch guy had just given him a duffel bag.” Ria worded.

I nervously bit my lip. They were my roommates and it was to be expected of me to warn them about a guest staying over. That guest just so happens to be Aiden who wasn’t anyone’s favorite person right now.

I nod when the two looked at me, waiting for my response.

“Yes. He didn’t want to leave Ashton.” I admitted, awkwardly looking away from them.

“And you too,” Ria added with a snort.

“How’s his dick by the way?” She asked with a little chuckle at the end.

My face heated up with a slight flush. “Good I think. He doesn’t look like he’s thrashing in pain anymore.”

Ria nods. “Good. That’s a really good thing. Hopefully, it still works so we can get another cute baby like Ash.”

My eyes widen slightly and I looked at her in shock. She smirks. “Aren’t you two engaged? Babies come next right?” She teased causing my swallowed saliva to go into the wrong


I started coughing up like an old hag.

Ria laughs and Mila comes to my rescue by scolding Ria. “It’s a fake engagement, Ria. That means their relationship will be fake, no sex,” She then looks at me, her eyes dimming with

doubt. “Right?”

My eyes widen and I coughed even more. These two were making it difficult for me to breathe properly.

Ria burst into a fit of giggles. “See how she’s coughing and taking her longest to answer? Our little Sophie is right on her way to getting pregnant.”


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