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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 166


Sophie’s pov

It only lasted a second but it felt way too long.

His mouth had pressed to mine so roughly that I could’ve tasted the bitterness of his breath and saliva.

My stomach churn and my heart beat with fear.

I lift my hand the second he moved away and smacked him right across the face. “You bastard! I’ll make you pay for that!” I roared, tears stinging my eyes from how vulnerable I had just been.

I feel the worst knowing that I didn’t have the strength to push him away and avoid this.

His face which had tilted sideways because of the force of my slap slowly straightened. His eyes gleamed.

“Why so upset? I’ll give you your reward. I’ll take the complaint back.” He smirked, leaning forward.

This time I’m quick to push my head to the side, his lips landing on my cheek. I push at his chest but he doesn’t budge.

“Please stop.” I let go, showing my weakness. I really did try to put up a brave face but feeling helpless wasn’t helping.

His breathing is rough on my skin and I could distinctly feel the hardness of his dick on my belly.

Nausea crawled up my throat and I wrenched.

“You will not say what happened here. Because if you do, no one will believe you. You willingly entered the room, you willingly kissed me.”

I sobbed, shaking my head. “I did no such thing.”

“Ah but you did. You moaned under my mouth and tried to force me to have sex with you so I could take the complaint back. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” Christopher’s voice is mocking and made a chill run down my spine.

“You lying asshole. You’re the devil.” I cried.

He chuckled dryly. “No. But I know who really is. And you’re sleeping right beside him. ”

“Fuck you!” I hissed, bringing my teary eyes to his. “I’ll tell Aiden what you’re doing to me. He knows I came here.”

I prayed that if he knew Aiden knew that I was here with him then maybe he would back away and I could escape from his nasty clutches.

But no such luck.

Christopher seems to enjoy toying with me.

A sly smirk plastered on his mouth. “Even better sweetheart. He’ll know exactly how naughty his bitch is.”

My heart slammed in my throat.

Was he going to tell Aiden lies?

“He won’t believe you.” I whispered, a bit unsure if I truly believed my own words.

I had walked right into a trap and I was certain that I would not get out of it. Winning this fight seemed hopeless at this point.

Christopher smirk widened. “Oh but he will sweetheart.”

My heart throbs because I know how bad this will look in Aiden’s eyes and he would most likely believe Christopher.

He pulls away from me completely and looks down at his crotch. “If you want you can kiss that better too.”

I glared at him and pushed away from the wall, not trusting him to not do that again.

“You sexually assaulted me.” I said in disbelief.

Christopher snorted. “All you did was kiss me better so I can take back the complaint. You can’t get everything you want by simply just asking Sophie. You need to give something in return.”

I shake my head, my eyes zeroing in on the door. “I’ll tell everyone what really happened.”

He chuckled dryly and outstretched his hands. “Go ahead sweetheart and see who believes you. It’s your word against mine. Everyone saw how desperate you were to get Aiden out, desperate enough to do anything.”


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