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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Sophie’s pov

Fifty-five employees.

In the ten minutes we were here, Aiden has managed to boot fifty-five employees.

I was still stunned by the number and yes I was counting, who wouldn’t when every second there’s an employee standing up and making that walk of shame out of the room?

He was ruthless. Extremely ruthless. And scary.

He was way worst than how he was in high school.

I gulped. To fire fifty-five employees without batting a lash was crazy. Aiden had grown cold.

But that shouldn’t have been a shocker. This was Aiden after all.

The woman beside me suddenly stands up and I look over at her in confusion until I realize that she had just been fired. The mist of incoming tears in her eyes said as much.

She quickly hurried out of the room, her gaze lowered and her shoulders hunched.

Aiden was cruel.

“Oh crap,” Lisa whispered with a pitch of fear in her voice. One that had my stomach churn ing.

I turn to face her, my eyes a bit wide. “What is it?”

Had they fired her too and I had not heard?

“He’s looking at you.” She whispered, wincing.

I froze, my stomach churning even more. Was about to say goodbye to ten thousand dol lars a month?

I slowly brought my gaze forward and sure enough, Aiden had his intense gaze on me. Such a stormy blue. Those blue eyes I fell in love with. The same blue our son shared.

His eyes turned furious but he was quick to place on a veil that had everyone fooled. But ! saw right through him. He was furious at me.

I held my breath, waiting for him to just pull the rug beneath my feet again and fire me. He was the Ceo after all and even though I was technically working as Bernard’s secretary, I was still Aiden’s employee.

He could do whatever he wanted.

My lungs burned as I held my breath but I don’t let it go until Aiden surprises me by tearing his gaze away and focussing those stormy blues on someone else behind.

I was too busy pulling the air into my lungs to even care to look behind me to see who unfor tunately was misiled with his darkened gaze,

He fired the poor man who cried and begged to keep his job. Aiden wasn’t having it and had two bulky security men escort the wailing man out of the building.

Aiden was as cruel as they said he was. He really was the blue eyed devil.

“This was the most intense staff meeting I’ve ever been in. And he fired a hundred and twen ty-two employees in one day! That’s a new record even for him.” Lisa sighed as soon as the ele vator doors close behind us.

I nodded agreeing with her completely. Aiden was like a cold monster, firing people left and right.

He didn’t even seem to care that half of these people were begging him to keep them be cause they had kids to feed. Every single one of those people he fired today had a family, I was sure.

I can’t help but think that maybe it was a good thing I kept our son away from him. If he was that cruel to people who had kids to feed, how would he treat me and his son?

Thave to protect Ash from this monster.

“I swear he was picking people by playing eenie meenie miney mo. It’s crazy how he only had to say their names and automatically they knew they were getting fired.” Lisa shook her head as we walked down the corridor.

I didn’t think it was crazy at all, with the cold way he practically spat out their names, I’d think I was getting fired too.

“He’s a dick.” I nodded, praying my Ash bug doesn’t turn out to be like his father. No, my little Ash will be friendly, would have manners, and would be grateful for those who will do things for him.

Lisa snorted and quickly placed her palm over her mouth to stifle the sound. “I’m sorry, I swear I don’t sound like a pig half the time.”

I shook my head with a smile, not seeing her point in apologizing for something that was hu man of her to do.

“It’s fine, we all do it. Hey, do you know where Bernard is? I hadn’t noticed him after everyone left the room.” I asked.

I could’ve missed Bernard seeing as there were too many heads in my eyesight as everyone scurried out of the room the second the meeting was over. They resembled headless chickens as they hurried out of the room like the fires of hell were at their feet.

Lisa lifted a shoulder in a barely there shrug. “Must’ve stayed back to speak to the Ceo. Mr. Xavier did give him some files again to go through over the weekend. Bernard thought he would have had time to finish it but with so much workload, he, unfortunately, didn’t. I’m sure Mr. Xavier is currently chewing him and spitting him out.”

I winced. Aiden showed he was cruel enough to not care that Bernard had way too much on his plate to finish those files. I only hope he wouldn’t give him the boot next. Then no more ten thousand dollars a month for me for sure.

Lisa and I soon walked to our assigned place. Me a couple feet away from Bernard’s office with my own private desk and chair and Lisa in her own private sectioned office.

A good ten minutes had passed by when my ears pick up on not one but three sounds of footfalls in the corridor. One was a distinct sound of heels.

Knowing that at any second they would show their presence, my back straightened and I waited with battered breath to greet whoever was making their way over here.

What I did not expect was Aiden a few inches away from Bernard with a pretty woman at his heels. There were many files in her hands.

Goosebumps rage war on my skin when I watch his powerful strides. His hands were tucked in his front pockets and his head was faced forward.

“Sophie.” Bernard greeted me with a smile and a nod when he passed by.

“Mr.Beckam,” I answered with a smile of my own.

But as my eyes sweep back to Aiden, my throat grew a lump. “Mr. Xa-vier.” | greeted with a stutter as I nod.

Aiden doesn’t spare me a glance and If I didn’t know any better I’d say that he hadn’t heard me. But by the stiffness of his shoulders and then the pop of his jaw, I knew he did.

Without thinking much about it, I breathed in his intoxicating scent as he strides past without acknowledging that I was here.

His blatant ignoration of my presence had something like anger and frustration churning in my belly:

Why was he acting like he didn’t remember me?

Why wasn’t he acknowledging me?

Was I really that forgetful? Igritted my teeth as I glared at his powerful back.

Maybe I should like the fact that he did. Because maybe just maybe he forgot that I had basi cally ruined his life.

But how can you forget about someone you bullied and had sex with?


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