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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 53

Sophie’s pov

“What?” I breathed out, confused. I was a mistake?
What we did was a mistake?
There was a huge blow to my chest as I felt those words and my fingers clutch the material of my blouse where I could feel my heart beat erratically.

My bottom lip wobble a bit ad I stare at him.

He’s not looking at me anymore as he fixes his suit.

I’m the only dumb one still there with my mouth parted and my skirt still hunched up.

I’m the only one who got used, yet again.

And I had stupidly fallen for his charms.

I stupidly made my heart choose only for him to disappoint me yet again.

Anger starts to pull at my sadness taking out every string until that anger consumed me.

My lips curl back into a sneer.

“You’re still that huge asshole.

Why am I even surprised?” I slide off his desk, quickly fixing my skirt.

My panties were obviously ruined so there was no going back for them.

Aiden lifts his head, those storms shooting through me like lightning.

“Watch your mouth.” He snapped.

“Watch my mouth? Is that all you can say to me after three years?” I cursed myself inwardly when I felt the sting of incoming tears in my eyes.

Stay firm, Sophie.

He doesn’t deserve your tears anymore.

His eyes grow colder, making my insides feel cold.

I’m fixing my blouse and my skirt because I don’t want to walk the walk of humiliation out of his office.

“What more do you want from me, Sophie? Another fuck?” Aiden sneers under his breath while fixing his tie.

His hair is a mess from his hands running through it over and over when he told me I was a mistake.

I flinched at his words which slapped me brutally across my face.

I want to hurt him too.

Hurt him with my words the same way he has hurt me.

But I can’t bring myself to.

Because I’m still in love with him.

And I can’t hurt the father of my child.


Ash wasn’t a mistake.

I don’t want Aiden’s cruel words to scar him too.

I refuse to let Aiden hurt him just as he was hurting me now.

I had made the right choice after all.

“You’re being cruel Aiden.” I shake my head, trapping my lower lip between my teeth.

Maybe if I bite into my lip hard enough I’ll feel enough pain there to distract me from the pain in my chest.

“Three years Aiden.

Three long years and you’re still so bitter towards me.” I let out shakily.

Aiden ground his teeth, his jaw popping.

He was furious, that was obvious.

” What the hell did you want me to do Sophie!? Throw a fucking welcome party and hold you like the diamond that you are? Well, guess what Sophie! You’re not a fucking diamond and those three years without seeing you, touching you, feeling you, were the best years of my life.” He seethed, taking a powerful step forward.

Tears are already rolling down my cheeks and I’m shaking while a few sobs slip past my lips.

“You said you missed this Aiden.

You said you missed me.” | whispered, my chest hurting with every breath I try to pull into my lungs.

Aiden’s lips curl cruelly and his next words are just as cruel.

“A guy says what a girl wants to hear to get in between her thighs.

Did you think you were that special for me to miss you, Sophie? All you have ever brought into my life was chaos.

Nothing good ever happens when you’re here.” He says lowly, bending his head down so that our eyes are leveled.

I’m breathing heavily, but not in desire like earlier.

I’m breathing heavily because I can’t seem to breathe properly as his words stab through my heart
“Fucking you was just to remind you of how easy you still are after all these years.

I can only imagine how many guys passed there whilst I was rotting in jail.” He snarls, pinning me down with daggers of fury.

I staggered back at his words, my eyes widening.

Did he really think I was a whore? “You’re so cruel, don’t say things you know nothing about,” I whispered.

My fingers are curling into fists at my side, my lips wobbly.

I want to bawl my eyes out because his words are hitting me painfully.

His eyes scan my face and his lips curl into an even nastier snarl.

“Haven’t you heard? I’m a murderer remember? A devil.

So what do you expect? For me to be nice to you Sophie? Murderers aren’t nice Sophie, they’re cruel.”
“And besides, if you really were that special I wouldn’t have fucked so many girls after you.

And they were more….delicious.” He smirked, his eyes holding no emotion in them.

I shake my head unable to take being in his presence anymore.

I had to be strong for Ash, because who would if I wasn’t?
It was clear Aiden would not like the fact he shared a part of him with me.

“Running away is what you’re good at Sophie, so no surprise there either.”
He was right, I always run away.


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