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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 61

Sophie’s pov

“Oh, I know. He’s some CEO, right? We can search him up online I’m sure some business blogs have published about him.” Mila suggested, looking at me in question.

I stopped my pacing I’ve been pacing the living room floor for hours, chewing on my nails.

It was such a bad habit.

But it was the only thing that can hold my composure a little bit.

I was so scared of what Aiden would do next.

He was always unpredictable.

“Let’s see what he’s been up to for those three years.” Mila continued and looked over at Ria who nodded in agreement.

“Yes, I agree.

Let’s see if we also get some dirt on him we can use.” She nodded and got up from the sofa.

“I’ll go get my laptop.” Mila looks at me in concem.

“Come sit beside me, Soph.

Stop pacing before you leave a hole in the apartment floor.”
I sighed, nodded, and went to sit beside her.

She hugs me sideways.

“It’s going to be line.

If he decides to take you to court we’ll find the best lawyer and we’ll win.

I refuse to stand by and let Aiden bully you like he had done in high school.”
I looked down at my lap.” And how are we going to pay for this lawyer Mila? I’m practically broke.” Mila shook her head.

“We’ll find a way.

Don’t worry.” Ria walks in seconds later with her laptop in her hand.

She struts over to us, sits on the rug and places the laptop on the coffee table.

“I’m not sure what we’re looking for online.

Aiden’s smart enough to not keep his dirty laundry online.” I rubbed my forehead.

It feels like I’ve aged fifty years.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I woke up with grey hair.

Ria shrugged, fixing herself on the rug and reaches for a throw pillow.

“Sometimes the internet can surprise you with how much dirty laundry it can hold.”
Ria starts typing Aiden’s full name after I spelled it out for her.

“So he took over the company two years ago.

Added another billion dollars to the company in just a few months.

He’s also known as the cold casanova who doesn’t stay in a relationship for more than a few days.” Ria read, scrolling through the long article about Aiden.

His photo pops up on the screen and my heart jumps.

Even with the stress he had bestowed on me, my stupid heart still beats for him.

Ria scrolled down again and my eyes narrowed on the image that pops up next.

It was Aiden who stood beside an older man who was
Both looked so cold.

There was no warmth in their eyes.

Where have I seen that older man before? Roa continued her scrolling before I could figure out where I had seen the older man before.

“Oh, there’s an interview video.

” She stops scrolling, hovering the mouse over the video.

She looks at me.” Want to listen?” I gnawed on my bottom lip, playing with the ends of my shorts.

I nod and Ria clicks on the video and enlarges it until it took over the screen.

Aiden’s sitting on a very expensive cream colored sofa, his fingers drumming on the armrest, almost in impatience.

He looks like he doesn’t want to be here.

Mirroring him, sitting on a sofa is a blonde young woman who looks to be in her early thirties.

She smiling brightly and looks excited to interview Aiden.


Casanova,” She joked, holding the abundance of papers in her hand.

“I mean Mr.

Aiden stiffens and nod just as stiffly.

My stomach is knotting in nerves for some reason and my fingers have
left the material of my shorts to pinch my thigh.

I don’t do love.” His words daggered me in my heart so brutally that I thought I had internal bleeding
He loved someone?
My nails have now scrapped the skin of my thigh but I don’t care.

She must have been beautiful to make you fall head over heels.”
Aiden nodded.


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