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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 83


Sophie’s pov

I’m skimming through the printed words on the paper Aiden gave to me an hour ago or so.

He mentioned that it was also on the computer stored in a private file but I found it better to read on paper.

When I heard his footfalls nearing I press my lips together to stop from smiling.

The talk with him in the office about our son was one of

the best conversations I had ever had with him.

He was attentive and seemed to be drinking in every word I said about Ashton. He chuckled a bit when I mentioned that our son was a bit fearful of heights and said he must’ve got- ten that fear from his mother, because she too was scared of heights.

I had smiled then. Ashton really took all of Aiden’s genes and down to his personality and none of mine. Except for the scrunching up of the nose when we get irritated.

I never thought in a million years that Aiden and I would be talking about Ashton with so much giddiness and warmth.

In fact I never thought we could stay in the same room with each other for longer than five minutes without aiming for each other’s throat or aiming to get rid of each other’s clothes.

But we managed to avoid both.

And dare I say it, I loved talking to him about our son. He also looked like he loved hearing about his son which made me fawn inwardly.

I never saw him so warm and attentive before.

It was so strange for me to enjoy a meaningful conversa- tion with him. And I’m even more stunned when our conversa- tions remained warm and giddy the entire time. Not once did we try to argue or disagree.

From quarreling in the morning to now was such a huge difference that it felt weird that this all happened in one day.

In a few hours to be exact.

“Mama bear,”

I sharp shiver run down my spine whenever he called me that. I felt a blush paint on my cheeks, red.

I lift my head up and see that he was looking at me in amusement. His jacket was draped over his arm and he looked as ready as ever with a gleam of excitement roaming in his eyes as well.

“Is it two already…” I trailed off and looked down at the small clock on the desk. It’s two thirty.


I looked back over at Aiden to see that he was grinning from ear to ear.

“Time to get off work. It’s now time to pick up our son.” He said and then I couldn’t help but fawn over the way he said

our son.

Where was that woman who would hold her guard up with him to protect her son? My conscience mocked me.

She’s still there, just less uptight about it. I think it would be better to give Aiden a chance to prove me wrong. To prove that he’ll not disappoint Ash like he’s done to me countless. times.

There’s no harm in giving him that chance to prove him- self before I burn him at the stake.


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