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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 110


I had thought I was well hidden.

At least, as hidden as I possibly could be in the banquet hall of the royal palace, that was. I’d been so careful to choose a seat that was well out of range of any wandering eyes or gossiping lips. And everyone in the room had seemed to be so submersed in their own conversations that I thought I could survive the event without issue.

Where I could enjoy myself without worrying about scrutiny or expectations.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I suddenly found myself in the presence of a peculiar, noble stranger, who seemed particularly interested in my company for reasons unknown.

This stranger looked no older than his early twenties. Ash blonde hair hung nicely in front of his youthful yet chiseled features, though not low enough to conceal the icy blue eyes that regarded me carefully. Eyes that, despite how deeply they could pierce a body with a single glance, radiated warmth and kindness that could only have been borne from one with a genuine heart.

He must have been one of the soldiers. Or at least, the son or brother of one.

“Oh!” The startled exclamation burst past my lips before I had a chance to fully process what was happening. “Actually,” I began to say with an apologetic smile, gesturing to the empty chairs that were previously occupied by Xaden and Charlotte, “I’m…”

And then the words died in my throat.

It wasn’t like I could just say outright that I was personally accompanied by the crown prince and princess without drawing attention to myself. That was the last thing I wanted or needed right now. Was I supposed to… pretend I was here by myself?

The man seemed to mistake my stunned silence for a refusal of company, quickly adding: “If you’d rather be alone, that’s alright, too—”

“No,” I hurriedly cut him off. Surely there couldn’t be any harm in letting him stay for a while, especially when he seemed friendly enough. “No, it’s alright. You can sit here.”

He smiled, taking a seat in the empty chair beside me. “Is this your first banquet? I’ve never seen you around before.”

And there it was. “Ah—yes, it is,” I admitted, and in a way, it was true. It was my first banquet at the palace that was not exclusive to the royal family. “Is it your first time, too?”

Chapter 0110 1

Chapter 0110 2

Chapter 0110 3


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