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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 

Noella was about to add something more when she saw Palmer had already taken the quilt from Maddox’s hands and made her bed first, before casually laying out his own sleeping spot on the floor

The more Maddox observed Palmer, the more he liked him. Just look at how he took care of Ms. Noella! If Old Mrs. Lambert could see this from the heavens, she would surely rest in peace

Holding a kerosene lamp and rubbing his hands together, Maddox spoke up. Ms. Noella, there’s something else: the upstairs bathroom is out of order, so you and the young master will have to go outside for showers andwell, you know.” 

As a child, Noella had lived in a poor area where every household’s outhouse was located. outside, often sharing space with the pigsty. Later, Old Mrs. Lambert, citing the inconvenience of having to go outside for such needs, had a bathroom built upstairs just for her

Out of order?” 

Not exactly, just a small leak. I’ve got some cement and called the crew, but they haven’t arrived yet.” 

Indeed, there were several unopened bags of cement by the bathroom door

Noella nodded. Got it, Maddox. You should get some rest too.” 

Maddox left with a beaming smile, casting several glances back at Palmer and Noella’s little 


This gentleman, with his high status and a fortune worth billions, was still willing to stay with Ms. Noella in such a humble abode. It seemed his heart truly belonged to Ms. Noella

Wiping away a tear, Maddox stepped out to the main hall to pay respects to Old Mrs. Lambert. Harriet, rest easy now; your granddaughter is in good hands!” 

The courtyard gate shut, and all was silent save for the rustling of the night breeze

Noella, feeling a bit embarrassed, turned to Palmer. Is it okay with you to shower in the little shed outside?” 

Palmer, rising from his makeshift bed, answered as if it were the most natural thing in the world. No worries. It’s actually better than staying at the hospital. I’ve got some spare clothes in the car; I’ll go grab them.” 

I’ll come with you.Thinking she might as well take a shower after grabbing the clothes, Noella decided not to go back downstairs

Palmer smiled, the corners of his lips lifting gently as he took her hand. Watch your step, I’ve got you.” 

Chapter 116 

The old house had once been inhabited only by Old Mrs. Lambert and Noella, and since Noella had grown up, she rarely visited. The once spacious staircase now seemed narrow

Palmer led the way, holding Noella’s hand firmly, each step steady and secure

Noella recalled her childhood, when she had been nearly poisoned by candy from the Fuller family, Old Mrs. Lambert had carried her up and down these stairs to see the doctor, frantic with worry. Those hands had been just as warm and steady, bringing warmth to her heart… 

During the days waiting for Hollis to wake up, Noella had stayed at the hospital, with Palmer occasionally leaving to handle other matters but also spending nights there with her. Compared to the cold hospital, Verdant Garden at least retained some scent of home

After fetching their clothes, Noella approached the shaky wooden door of the little shed in the yard, speechless

Hadn’t that door been perfectly fine in the afternoon? Why did it now look like it was about to give way at any moment

One corner of the shed’s door couldn’t close properly and needed someone to lean against it from the outside to prevent the night wind from blowing it open

Noella looked at the door, feeling it might just retire if she attempted any repairs

Palmer leaned against the door, bowing slightly to look at her, his forehead almost touching the top of her head. Go ahead, I’ll keep watch outside. No one will come, and the door won’t open. His voice was low and seductive, causing a blush to spread across Noella’s ears. Fortunately, it was dark enough that her flushed face went unnoticed

She patted her cheeks, clutching her clothes tightly. Alright, I’ll be quick.” 

Don’t rush, I’ll be right here. I won’t leave.” 

It wasn’t that she was in a hurry

Thankfully, Verdant Garden still had a water heater, making showers somewhat convenient

Noella turned on the shower, and soon the sound of water filled the small shed, its thin walls doing little to muffle the sound for Palmer’s attentive ears

So that was Maddox’s plan all along

Palmer’s hand against the door blocked even the slightest draft. His heart, however, was aloft. as if he could see all her movements

In the quiet of Glen Village, with no nightlife to speak of, every sound seemed amplified. He could almost picture her every move, suddenly feeling a dryness in his throat

Even Palmer, who prided himself on his selfcontrol, found himself a bit flustered

Thank goodness for the deep night, which had hidden the flush of his ears from view! 

Chapter 116 

Soon, the rustling sound of Noella dressing reached him, the fabric against her skin nearly unbearable, making Palmer swallow hard

Noella was quick with her shower, emerging just minutes later. Her skin still steaming slightly, her cute face flushed, and her hair damp with droplets glistening at the tips

Thanks, your turn now. I’ll keep watch.” 


Entering the bathroom, he was greeted by the scent of her floral shower gel, still lingering in the air, mingling with her unique fragrance

Palmer turned the tap to the cold side. He needed to cool down

Leaning against the door, Noella wiped her damp hair with a towel while listening to the sound of water inside

This place was her home, yet she was with a man she barely knew. Staying with him at Verdant Garden, forced to listen to him shower outside, stirred a strange sensation in Noella’s heart. It was as if her grandmother were watching, leaving her bashfully aware

Palmer quickly finished his shower and, taking Noella’s hand, guided her upstairs

Noella glanced at him, her voice tinged with a hint of irony. Do you not find the conditions here rather lacking?” 

It’s not so bad. We both know what life is like out here on the international warzone.” 


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